3 min read

13th International Conference on the Unity of Science-Closing Address

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations for your wonderful accomplishments in this Thirteenth ICUS Conference.

Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon message at the closing ceremony of the 13th ICUS
Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon message at the closing ceremony of the 13th ICUS

Honorable chairman, eminent scholars, ladies and gentlemen:

On behalf of Rev. Moon, the founder of ICUS, may I take this opportunity to bid farewell to all of you. The ICUS conference each year is almost like a family gathering. The days of the conference pass so quickly that when the time comes to say goodbye, we always feel that it should last longer. This year is no exception. I feel sorrowful that we must depart so soon.

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your wonderful accomplishments in this Thirteenth ICUS Conference. Rev. Kwak reported to me that the quality of this year’s conference was excellent. It was highly academic and yet profoundly soul-searching. Many exceptional papers were presented and seriously discussed. Out of this conference will emerge many new ideas. Great research will be done and ultimately, important solutions to the world’s problems shall be devised. All in all, I feel pleased about the successful conclusion of this conference.

When my husband initiated ICUS thirteen years ago, I did not have any idea about the value of these conferences. However, now that we have reached the level of accomplishment that we see today, I am simply astonished at the greatness of the ICUS vision. In this age of specialization, we see the need to deal with global issues in their entirety.

In this respect, this science conference is unique. It is probably the only forum where world concerns can be examined from such a holistic perspective. I have now come to the firm belief that the concerns of the world can only be solved by this approach. I am very proud of Rev. Moon’s vision. I admire his foresight, not because he is my husband, but because he is a man of great ideals.

I would like to congratulate Dr. Mellanby the chairman of the conference for his great leadership. Dr. Mellanby, my husband asked me to tell you how appreciative he was of your visit to Danbury prison to see him along with Dr. Kaplan and Dr. Rubinstein. Your kindness moved my husband. May I ask all of you to join me in giving our chairman and Mrs. Mellanby our warm applause?

I would also like you to join me in giving Dr. King and Dr. Villee, the vice-chairmen of the conference, as well as Dr. Weinberg and Dr. Wigner, our plenary speakers, our warm recognition for their great contributions. Let us give them and their wives a round of applause.

I thank you also, all committee chairmen, for your inspiring leadership and hard work. May we give them and their wives our kind applause.

We have held our conference this year in Washington, D.C., the nation’s capital.

Washington is a city of statues and monuments. Only a few blocks from here are the Capitol Building and the White House. It is astonishing to think that the destiny of our world is largely dependent on the decisions made in this city. I only wish that they would listen more to you. When the time comes for you to play a prominent role in the decision-making process of all nations, I know that our world will become a more peaceful world to live in.

Last Monday I met my husband at Danbury prison. He has been praying for this conference and his spirit has always been with you. He asked me to tell you that he will be excited to see you next year. He was deeply appreciative of your concern, your support, and your prayers for him.

Furthermore, I am excited about next year’s conference, especially since I won’t have to deliver another speech at that time. I will just enjoy the relaxed dinner and the applause for my husband’s good performance. To be honest, when I know that I will have to make a speech afterward, I cannot enjoy the dinner at all. Now that my speech has come to an end, I feel famished.

God bless you all and have a safe journey home. See you again next year.

Thank you very much.

Absolute Values and The New Cultural Revolution
For 13 years I have addressed this assembly of distinguished scholars and have raised questions concerning the state of the world and the responsibility of the scientific and academic communities to solve global problems.
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