Establishment Of The Ideal World

The ideal world is not accomplished in the imaginary realm of ideas; rather, it is accomplished in stimulating, substantial reality.

The ideal world is not accomplished in the imaginary realm of ideas; rather, it is accomplished in stimulating, substantial reality. This is the final request of humankind, but we did not really know that it is accomplished centered on one's family. 

Now the mission that the Unification movement must go forward carrying on its shoulders is a world centered on the family. Burning with the conviction that the family exists for the sake of the world, that it exists for the sake of the nation, that it exists for the sake of the people, that it exists for the sake of the tribe, the entire family must become a group which can live for the sake of accomplishing that goal. We must firmly believe the fact that when we begin to act like this, in the not-too-distant future, the entire world will be completely embraced in the realm of dominion where you can love us. 

We must discover that we are shameful beings about the holy word: the blessing. Our lives of the past were individual-level lives. They were not lives centered on personalities that were related to cosmic history, rather, they were individual lives that had fallen into ruin. Since each of us must become able to conquer these kinds of selves, Father, please bless us. 

Now we are not going forward for any one individual; rather, we must pioneer the foundation of the joy of the family, and with that as our motivation, we must go forward to accomplish that kind of realm of love and family which can be shown to the people. We earnestly ask and desire, Father, that you will let us become those kinds of responsible people. 

Father! We know that it is the Will of hundreds of thousands of pages to establish a family what hate presents the people and to find a Uniunifiedibe in that way. Now we must straighten ourselves and come before you with a sincere attitude. We know that we must establish a Four-Position Foundation in which the man and the woman become one and attend to their parents and lead their children for the sake of that. We know that this is the realization of the ideal of creation. We have heard the phrase, "the completion of the Four Position Foundation," thousands and hundreds of thousands of times, but we lament that we are people who have not been able to love that definitive content in reality. Please bear with us. Please allow us to feel the stimulation of love which can do that. 

We will have to complete that kind of mission, bring the people and the world along, and connect them with you, Father. We earnestly hope and desire that you will please let us connect with the essential condition of power, by an absolute subject partner and an absolute object partner becoming one, and by making this into the realm of the dominion of love, please do not let us be inadequate to act before the world and please let us realize the realm of one family which can stand in dignity as beautiful and harmonious beings. We have humbly prayed in the holy name of the True Parents. 

Please Let The Hard Work Of The Good Spirits Bear Fruit, Father!
And we must more clearly realize the fact that our daily lives are not daily lives that we are living for ourselves; rather, they are daily lives for the sake of the three-dimensional world.
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