Please Allow Us To Realize Through Experience The Existence Of Our Father Who Is Always Near Us
Please let us understand clearly that we must attend to you as a real being, as the absolute subject of all aspects of our life.
Prayer for Hope by Reverend Sun Myung Moon
Please let us understand clearly that we must attend to you as a real being, as the absolute subject of all aspects of our life.
Please let Your love dwell with the children who are sincerely praying for this day throughout the nation, facing this place.
This morning a lonely group has gathered before you. We must consider on our own the kind of situation we are in.
On this day, Your many children spread out across this nation are gathering in front of their altars,
Father! You are a holy being. You are a being who should not be pitiful.
Oh, Father! Until now you have been moving. Until now, the earth has been moving, too.
Father! Having to accomplish the mission of certain victory which you left behind is the daily life of the original humankind who are living on the earth and it is their very life,
We have determined to be loyal to the remaining path of restoration. We have learned that your road was so miserable and sorrowful as you sought the result of goodness that no one knows about.
Father! We know that our first ancestors should have achieved oneness in Your love.
I would like to thank You, Father, for You have alone worked and persevered throughout history to manage and lead all people until this time.
No matter how much suffering you may experience in your activities, and no matter how much you are persecuted by your environment, you should be able to always remain standing before the face of God.
Father! Today at this moment in what place are you dwelling?