Father! Please let us feel grieved that we have not been able to possess a conclusive authority of love because we have not been able to have the spark of love which is able to go crazy at least several times over the desire to love again even after having loved our object partner like crazy.
We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become sons, to become daughters, and to become families who deplore ourselves for not having had a single day when we worshipped heaven through the whole night continuing into the next day, and to have that kind of motivation, run appealing to you to hold on to us.
We must become children who, in front of the people of the world, the families of the world, and the nations of the world, have more value than they do, and who give them the blessing with joy. And please let us realize the fact that when we become children who newly create something higher, everything turns out well.
Please allow us to understand clearly that the spirit world is mobilized at the point where we appear in the position of parents representing God. We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to fulfill the mission of moving the environment, which is the object partner, with the authority of the subject partner by becoming the center of the world.
And when we call you "Father," we want to call you "Father" millions of times at least, with minds that are scores of times more earnest than those of the people of the world today who are calling you "Father" with earnest minds. Therefore, please allow us to be able to experience your innermost heart, and please make us more earnest now than before, and please make us more earnest later than we are now.
Please let us enter the status of being called your sons. Prodigals are also sons, and loyal subjects are also sons, but please allow us to become sons who can take over your great work.
We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow all of us to struggle to become sons who are recognized by everyone as filial sons who can inherit completely all of your great works from you. And please allow us to be able to be recognized by you who say, "You are my beloved sons."
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.
Please Let Us Become Children Who Are Able To Take Over Your Great Work
We must become children who, in front of the people of the world, the families of the world, and the nations of the world, have more value than they do, and who give them the blessing with joy.
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