3 min read

Please Let Us Become Heavenly Leaders Who Straighten Out What Was Tangled

We know that the historical course of heaven is the historical course to straighten things out.

We know that the historical course of heaven is the historical course to straighten things out. And we have come to know that about the historical course that heaven is straightening out, multitudes of invisible satans are acting in opposition to entangle things.

Please let us realize that although we have said that history is a history to straighten things out, there is also the aspect of acts that are entangling things, the entangling of things by the world that opposes us, to keep us from going to a new place again.

We are facing an environment where the history of sorrow for the sake of entangling things and the history of joy for the sake of straightening things out is at a crossroads. We are in the realm of lamentation where our bodies are looking forward to things being entangled, and our minds are looking forward to things being straightened out.

We are looking towards the final stop of the sorrowful history where we must have a time of joy in which our bodies are subjugated to our minds by raising our minds and striking our bodies. Please do not let us forget that we are people like this; please do not let us forget that we are in this kind of realm of heavenly destiny, and please do not let us forget that we are standing on the course that is for the resolution of this kind of providence of restoration.

Among the people who do not know you today, some people hope to be tied to a concept, and some people want their consciences and bodies to be tied to an ideology, a thought, or to human morality. But please let us know that when we consider them through their original nature, they are faced with the sorrowful situation of not being able to stand before you eternally, Father.

Among humankind who are going forward on this kind of course which is before them, there are many people who, without their even knowing it, have experienced and felt keenly hearts permeated with anxiety, uneasiness, and loneliness, but there is no one to block that.

Therefore, Father, who will take responsibility for exhausted humankind who cannot rejoice together with history, with time, or with ideology, and who does not know the fundamental rules of life, who do not know the direction of life, who do not know the course of life, and who do not know the purpose of life?

We will have to straighten things out between ourselves. If there are tangled things, straightening them out is a fundamental rule of the course of history.

Therefore, in a position where Jesus could have shown a tangled heart of indignation about his enemies, he wanted to straighten it out.

Accordingly, we know that he became qualified as a person who could build the garden of the resolution of grief which straightens out the world of enemies.

We know that heaven was also happy about that and established Jesus in the position of the resurrected Jesus. Even if we are ostracized by the people and the people stand in the position of our enemies, please do not let us become persons who consider the people as our enemies.

We earnestly hope that you will please let us become sovereigns of life, and please let us become leaders of heavenly life, and even if the world opposes us, please let us become people who have heavenly hearts that can go beyond the hearts of the enemies and not consider them enemies, in order to leave behind for them only the open heart of heaven.

We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Let Us Understand the Heart of the Resurrected Jesus
Today is the day of resurrection, the day when Jesus resurrected 2,000 years ago.
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