Please Allow Us To Become Those Who Can Be Together With Goodness Forever
Please allow us to realize that in our minds and bodies, there remains the original root of sin which we cannot deal with by our strength alone.
Prayer for Restoration by Reverend Sun Myung Moon
Please allow us to realize that in our minds and bodies, there remains the original root of sin which we cannot deal with by our strength alone.
Father! We know that our human ancestors should have become one flesh by realizing the love of the couple together with the destined relationship of your love.
Oh Father! Now please let us know clearly at what stage the responsibility is that we must fulfill through this people, and at what moment thecircumstances of the world and heaven and earth are, while going through this point.
Father! Today is November 20, 1968, by the lunar calendar, October 1.
Father of Mercy! Please let this place become a sanctuary where we become one with your mind.
We have come to know that the way we are going, called by you, is not a smooth way.
Father! Since spring indeed symbolizes liberation, we will once again have to long for the joy of being held in the embrace of your love.
Today we feel that the history of your struggle has continued down through the age with humankind being unable to remove the yoke of this kind of environment.
Father! Today at this time we dare to consider your heart when you were creating all the things of creation.
Please accomplish that which you desire and will in heaven and on earth.
Father! We must feel once again the fact that humankind has infinite value and a destined relationship.
Heavenly Father, we are studying Your woeful principle of indemnity.