Please Let Us Restore The Cosmic Day Of The Parents
The True Parents are the center of the ideal of creation and are the hope of history.
Prayer for Restoration by Reverend Sun Myung Moon
The True Parents are the center of the ideal of creation and are the hope of history.
Oh Father, who is the majestic Lord of heaven: We know that everything that you created must be together with your ideal forever.
We know that the historical course of heaven is the historical course to straighten things out.
We, who have been tormented by death, have longed for you and have gathered again today.
Please don't let us, who are in the process of fighting today, become foolish people who ask Jesus and the Holy Spirit to center on ourselves, or who ask you, God, to center on ourselves.
Fallen humankind has not yet found the value of eternal life to which the world, the earth and heaven, can attest.
We are people who should repay our debts while representing the love of the eternal God