20th Anniversary True Family Values Banquet
The fulfillment of the Heavenly Parent’s ideal of creation is rooted in family values.
Sermons about Faith
The fulfillment of the Heavenly Parent’s ideal of creation is rooted in family values.
Seonghwa graduates led the Unification Church activities in the early days.
True Mother spent most of her childhood at the house of her maternal grandmother
The atmosphere was joyous as True Parents received greetings from True Family members as well as 100 leaders and key members.
This is the key point. Even though I have plenty of dreams, there is no day or night or lunchtime in which I can take my mind off the urgent task of heaven.
We must understand what happened to Christians when they didn't follow they were martyred and sacrificed and Korea was divided.
People with a long history of faith would have a desire for God, who established the standard of absolute faith.
In my second Day of Hope speaking tour, I visited twenty-one major cities throughout the United States. I warned the people that God was leaving America.
When we are living for the sake of others, the universal powers of the Universe protect and support us.
From now on, the realm of religions and kings of nations in the satanic world will be integrated into the interfaith and international realm.
The principle is unchanging. The principle teaches how to achieve the foundation for the Messiah.
Each year people have plans. Individual plans, family plans, and national and world plans.