The physical body and hell

So our body is a house where God can dwell. Such houses are not the bodies of today's fallen people.

Adam and Eve are the physical body of God.

It is stated in I Corinthians 3, "Do you not know that you are God's temple?"

So our body is a house where God can dwell. Such houses are not the bodies of today's fallen people. God does not want to reside within people who want to be saved simply by believing in doctrines about Jesus those who have gone through the repair factory after breaking down. They should be people of the ideal of creation who have experienced pure first love, but we have departed from the realm of God's love.  

What is hell?

It refers to the devil's realm of love. Those in that realm only adore hatred, envy, jealousy, separation, and destruction and thus only these things are prevalent in their realm. These are manifested in wars. We must root out such devils.  

What was the reason a nail was driven into God's heart?

It was the devil coming into being, the fact of Satan's lineage being planted, the grievous fact of Satan's seed being planted, and the fact that the fruit of God's love bore Satan's family.

The family that could have lived forever in God's love under His protection was destroyed by the appearance of Satan's family.

Conversely, the families centered on Satan's tribe spread all over the world. Now the world has about 180 countries.

Countless tribes fought amongst each other and the weak were absorbed by the strong, so the number of countries was reduced to about 180. However, these countries must be unified into one according to God's will.  

Where did Satan set up his base of operations?

Even Satan knows God. As God is the source of the original nature of creation from whom Lucifer was originally created, he has a standard from which to reciprocate human perspective, this original standard is the conscience. Whom does the conscience resemble? It resembles God. For that reason, we say that it is on God's side. Who does the body resemble? It resembles Satan, so we say that it is on Satan's side.  

How much was the conscience sacrificed for the body?

Your conscience becomes exhausted in caring for you day and night. Yet, tirelessly it blocks the body from misconduct. The closest being to you, which stands as the substitute for your parent, for God, and for your teacher, is your conscience. The mind itself does not need to be educated, but the body needs to be educated.  

Therefore, following the dictates of your body connects you to hell, whereas following the dictates of your mind connects you to heaven. We are the dividing line between heaven and hell. Satan is straddling the thirty-eighth parallel dividing North and South Korea. Since God knew this, we are divided.

If we die without separating good from evil, we will not be able to overcome our thirty-eighth parallel and will be blocked in the spirit world.

The thirty-eighth parallels of the family and nation will all be blocked. Then, how will we cross over the thirty-eighth parallels of the world and universe?  

You must deplore the fact that your bodies have become the devil's ballrooms.

They have become the love trysts of devils. Your bodies inherited the devil's lineage through his love. You should know this amazing fact that Satan's blood is controlling you with the realm of power in order to trample upon your original character in your boot there is no way for even your countries to clear this up. You will have to do it yourself.  

What is religion?

Its historical struggle is essentially to fight the root of sin. Yet despite fallen people being in a domain destined for hell and having become the devil's ballroom, some people still protest the effort of religion to save society.  

You have to hate your corrupted self and your body. You should understand that the blood of the enemy is coursing through your body and that you cannot cut this off with a knife or burn it away. You have to realize the misery of having become factories that consume and digest creation from a position where you are unable to receive God's protection. 

The Heart of Jesus Who Must Restore All Tasks
You know that the coexistence of the desired Kingdom of Heaven and undesirable hell is inevitable during the restoration of fallen people.
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