Please Let Us Reflect On The Day Of The Historical Anguish Of Jesus

Father! We are reflecting on the day of the historical anguish of Jesus, when he, who lived for over 30 years

Father! We are reflecting on the day of the historical anguish of Jesus, when he, who lived for over 30 years, faced the day of his grief-filled destiny, having the Will of the providence of salvation of the earth in his heart and having heaven in his heart, but without having found a single person who related to him as the Savior, without having found a single family that attended him as the Savior, and without having led a single people who followed him as the Savior.

Jesus had to go the path of the cross at a time when he did not want to, and he had to bring his mission to a conclusion when it was not yet time, so he couldn't say everything he had to say; and without having been able to carry out the heroic decisions and determinations he had set in his heart, he left behind grief, and took it with him when he went; but where is the person who knows his heart?

Oh, Father! Today we have not known to the marrow of our bones that anguished tears for all of humankind were brimming in Jesus' eyes as he looked up to heaven, and the worn-out external form he had while facing death was representing all of humankind, and there was no one among the people of that time, either, who knew that the person going through such ghastly suffering was the son of God.

Since the people who should have known and attended Jesus opposed him instead and acted violently to drive him to the way of the cross, how pitiable was Jesus who had come embracing the Will?

Despite their being the people who should have communicated with the heart of heaven and communicated with the heart of Jesus, Jesus had to be concerned for them instead, and while looking at those people, who were in the realm of death, playing in the hands of the enemy, without knowing the sorrow of Jesus, who was being dragged away by the enemy, Jesus had to pray and say, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." We earnestly hope and pray, Father, that you will let us become able to seek and feel the heart of Jesus who had to do that.

When we have spoken of the cross, we have known it by name only. We did not know that the mount of Golgotha was hell for Jesus and was the place of the execution of his death. But now when we think of the cross, please let us know that the tearing sorrow of the heart of grief of God which had accumulated over 4,000 years was so much greater than the pain of the tearing of Jesus' body. Please let us become people who acanknow that it was more sorrowful for Jesus to have wrung out his heart than it was to have his flesh ripped and his blood flow on the cross.

Do you have any true sons and daughters among the group gathered here today? Is there anyone who is hoping to receive the blessings of heaven but ignores the blood Jesus shed? Is there anyone who seeks to relate to the Will of heaven, but steps on the heart of Jesus?

Please let us become a group that can weep endlessly over the death of Jesus and remember that one day of sorrow cannot have its grief resolved even though we weep and weep, and weep again.

We have prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Please Let Us Feel Keenly And Have Deep Experiences Of Heart
Father! We long for your voice which gave directions to us. Please let that touching voice that told us to head towards the greatest goodness once again move our minds at this time.
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