8 min read

Ideal Family Education

The Center for the Education of Couples for World Peace is being built.

Preparing the Ideal Environment Centering on the Providence of the Ocean and Latin America - True Parents Legacy
God has been leading the providence of restoration to save fallen humanity. According to the Principle, God’s providence of restoration is the providence of re-creation.

Center for the Education of Ideal Families for World Peace

On July 1, 1998, True Parents established the Center for the Education of Couples for World Peace in Jardim and organized a 40-day workshop program for blessed families worldwide. True Parents emphasized that all blessed couples should receive this education with their children. 

1. The Center for the Education of Couples for World Peace is being built. To have a world of peace, Couples must be connected. The ideal does not change, and hence the “ideal” world is unchanging. 

Furthermore, there is only one ideal world, not two. When you speak of an ideal person, you are speaking of a person who is a model for others. The word ideal contains the concepts of absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal.
(294-292, 1998/08/09) 

2. In Jardim, we are building a training center. Please plan to come to Jardim and participate in the one-week workshop. Here we have educational facilities and housing accommodations for up to 5,000 people. 

But the halls in which they can sit comfortably to listen to the lectures can also be used for people to sleep. This means that in all, 10,000 people can be accommodated. I built the training center in such a way that it can host activities for any age group; it can serve as an elementary school, middle school, or college.

Therefore, this training center will eventually become a city. When people see this they will say that Reverend Moon's planning is exceptional. All the preparations to host educational workshops have been made.

Now we need to select core personnel. For this, we will engage our international network. In that way, we can mobilize countries. If we can manage our networks, we can establish an environment that can move nations. (287-227, 1997/10/04) 

3. We have a training center in Jardim. Here we will educate blessed families through 40-day workshops. 

You should consider this to be witnessing. When your children are 17 and 18 years old, they need family education. Every blessed family in South America should participate in this 40-day workshop. Through this, these families can be educated to achieve the ideal model and gain the ability to arrive at a settlement. 

You could say that we have to drive a stake into the ground or cast a new net. Otherwise, what we have will all flow away. (287-250, 1997/10/04) 

4. I established the Center for the Education of Ideal Families for World Peace in Jardim, Brazil. I established it on the opposite side of the world from Korea. We must pass through that area. 

Japanese and Korean members must all receive education here. Parents and children who make up the four-position foundation must receive this education.

Without doing so, they will have no path of restoration. Family education is taking place here.

Therefore, members who come alone and complete the 40-day workshop will not receive recognition for having completed it. How can I acknowledge you if you did not attend with your wife or husband? If your wife cannot come, bring your sons and daughters. The original idea is that parents and children attend these workshops together so that they can unite. Together, everyone will thoroughly learn the fundamentals. (295-151, 1998/08/19) 

5. After the period for family education is finished, I will give directions for the education of the tribe. 

This means that the age of family education will pass. If a family has not received this education in Jardim, do everything possible to help them receive it. There is no path of restoration except through Jardim. You have to go around to the other side of the world. 

I was at the very top, but then the world kicked me out, preventing me from completely realizing the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven. I am resolving this by irking with the realm of the Christian culture that stands on the right-hand side.

What was lost must be engrafted at the family level beginning with the individual, family, and tribe out in the wilderness. I will come down to this earth and stand above the families on Satan's side by representing families as I attend True Parents and God.

If we want to dwell in that environment, we must come here to turn ourselves around. This is the education we need to carry out at the Center for the Education of Ideal Families for World Peace in Jardim. (298-062, 1999/01/01)

6. The marriage Blessing was received everywhere, but when entering heaven the line will start at one place. That place is the Jardim training center in South America. I call it the Center for the Education of Ideal Families for World Peace. It is the ideal family that will enter heaven.

That is why we carry out family education. Therefore, you must not come alone. A husband cannot attend by himself, and a wife cannot attend by herself. Originally, all education of the sons and daughters was designed to take place in the four-position foundation. 

For a nation to enter the age of world restoration, the whole clan will have to be educated, not just the sons and daughters. Everyone will have to go through this process and receive the marriage Blessing again.

First, you should receive the church-level Blessing, and thereafter, you should receive the national-level Blessing. You can enter the kingdom of heaven after you receive the national-level Blessing. 

However, before you can receive this national-level Blessing to enter the kingdom of heaven, you need the family education that is being conducted in Jardim right now. (299-207, 1999/02/16)

7. The work that I am doing did not arise from my own will. I am moving forward, choosing and aligning the subject and object partners to expand the vertical content on the horizontal plane in a way that fits the conditions in the environment.

Right now in this era, you are observing this reality, but you have no idea how complicated the things that took place for this Will to be realized. 

Now all of you have entered the age centered on the Will and the completion of the Will, where anyone can stand and reign in the position of liberation. You can see from your current vantage point what the world is coming to.

Since we are aware of this, the problem of settlement is now at hand. The question is where the eternal place of individual settlement will be. It is within the family. 

That is why the Center for the Education of Ideal Families for World Peace was built in Jardim and why we are now conducting family education here. To get here we go from one end of the world to the other end of the world.

This is a restoration. Blessed families must travel around the world and participate in the education workshops in Jardim. (298-010, 1998/12/31) 

The blessed families' 40-day workshops 

The Center for the Education of Ideal Families for World Peace, in Jardim, has organized 40-day workshops in which blessed families from all around the world participate as family units.

This education is for the sake of realizing ideal families that can enter heaven. True Parents have said the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven will be realized only when all blessed families become absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal, resembling God. 

8. The education that is being offered here in Jardim completes the rite of passage that guarantees family entry into heaven. A center for family education and training was built in Jardim, and ideal families can make a new beginning here so that they will be able to enter heaven directly.

People enter heaven as families, and this is why the people from each position of your four-position foundation must come here together to receive education. The whole family needs to come, not just the parents. If you do not receive this education, you will not be able to follow me, whether it is to register or to do something else.

You will stumble and fall on the way. Even though you have received the marriage Blessing, you need to receive this education here in Jardim. This is the place where your family receives its ticket to enter heaven. (297-071, 1998/11/15) 

9. There are blessed families in each nation who have lived there for a long time. I intend to gather these families in Jardim to participate in the special workshop. It is a 40-day workshop, and I have asked that they come with their sons and daughters.

We are conducting this workshop for the elder blessed families from each nation. In the future, these members should be assigned throughout the world. This will make our new world known.

Everyone will move to a region where they can make a new settlement. That is why the elder blessed families are participating in the 40-day worldwide workshop. Until now, they only knew their nation. Japanese people knew only Japan, but to fulfill their responsibility as the 

mother of the world, they needed to know the world. Therefore, they must come to South America and receive education, thereby connecting South America to North America. (294-195, 1998/06/14)

10. The time after the entrance into the Completed Testament Age is the first moment in history that the family as a whole can be educated. That is why you should make a new determination during your 40 days of education.

You first must reflect critically upon the way you have lived since receiving the Blessing. Based upon that, make a new determination from your current position to be family fit to live in the Completed Testament Age in front of God's Will. By doing so, all the blessed families around the world will be connected. 

This connection of all blessed families should become the foundation to realize the kingdom of heaven on earth. Now is the time to realize the nation God desires. Once that nation is established, the kingdom of heaven in heaven will naturally be connected to the kingdom of heaven on earth. In the end, our responsibility is to find that nation. (296-016, 1998/10/10) 

11. God's attributes are that He is absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal. These elements form God's character. Since those four elements are in the subject partner position, we must identify an object partner that fits perfectly in that subject partner's realm.

That is why the family has to consist of parents and children who are absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal. Through realizing families like this, we can complete the foundation to establish the eternal kingdom of heaven here on earth. This is the issue.

When this is finally realized, then everything God owns will also be yours. The parents, children, couple, and family embody everything that has been created. The purpose of Jardim is to make you aware of this.

The idea of programs at the Center for the Education of Ideal Families for World Peace is that you clearly understand and engrave this realization deep inside your hearts before you return home. Even if you go to the ends of the earth, you must never change the determination you have made here. (305-261, 1998/08/21) 

Uniting North America and South America
True Parents have emphasized that for North America and South America to become one, North America in the Abel position must help South America in the Cain position.