20th Anniversary True Family Values Banquet
The fulfillment of the Heavenly Parent’s ideal of creation is rooted in family values.
Sermons about Ideal
The fulfillment of the Heavenly Parent’s ideal of creation is rooted in family values.
True Parents said that one should participate in the marriage Blessing ceremony only after working long and difficult to become eligible.
The 360,000 Couples International Marriage Blessing Ceremony was held on August 25, 1995, at Seoul Olympic Stadium.
The true family movement comes as the fundamental providential movement for restoring this fallen world to the original world of creation centered on God.
In the 1970s, they focused on the national foundation that could impact the world, with external activities including Victory Over Communism and the Christian ecumenical movement.
Above all else, humanity needs the grace of God, which is available to those who attend God as the eternal True Parent.
In all history, no one has understood with certainty God’s circumstances or God’s heart. But today, in this era of the providential Last Days, I can reveal them to you.
On the third, Ahn Shi Il, on May 21, 2004, True Parents gathered members from all over Korea at the Blue Sea Garden residence near Yeosu for a special speech and declaration.
The movement for unification that I have been promoting is entwined with God's desire.
Many people expected that the long-awaited era of peace and stability would arrive, supported by our highly developed science and technology.