The Way to Become True Parents
Hence, it is the hope of every human being to form a true family.
Sermons on Kingdom Of Heaven
Hence, it is the hope of every human being to form a true family.
According to True Parents, while we are on earth we should liberate our ancestors in the spirit world.
At the US state leaders meeting held on March 15, 1978, True Parents emphasized, home church work and stressed that from April 1 the state leaders should begin to work in earnest to recruit 30,000 members
In the 1970s, they focused on the national foundation that could impact the world, with external activities including Victory Over Communism and the Christian ecumenical movement.
To, develop full-scale home church activity, True Parents announced home church-related mottoes for four consecutive years, from 1980 to 1983, at the World Mission Center in New York.
Ladies and gentlemen, two months ago, I celebrated my ninetieth birthday and took my first steps toward the hundredth year of my life.
You need to know that representatives of three Archangels: Lucifer, Michael, and Gabriel.
On this meaningful day, I would like to convey to you Heaven’s message concerning the value of the Holy Marriage Blessing and its significance.
There should not be even the slightest difference between what I teach today and what I taught 20 years ago or 40 years ago.
I received Heaven's call at the youthful age of sixteen and have dedicated my life of more than eighty years to the task of accomplishing God's Will on this earth and saving humankind.