The Pantanal and the New Hope Farm
When True Parents first visited the Pantanal, they remarked that it was the place where all living things exist in their original state as was created by God.
God has been leading the providence of restoration to save fallen humanity. According to the Principle, God's providence of restoration is the providence of re-creation.
Latest Spiritual Messages — page 2
When True Parents first visited the Pantanal, they remarked that it was the place where all living things exist in their original state as was created by God.
They proclaimed the Sao Paulo Declaration as the beginning of a new 40-year course.
The Center for the Education of Couples for World Peace is being built.
True Parents have emphasized that for North America and South America to become one, North America in the Abel position must help South America in the Cain position.
True Parents offered many deep prayers for the Pantanal to serve as the primordial and original foundation upon which ideal villages can be established.