Father's Public Course
The foundation for the providence centered on the Lord during, the Second Advent was established through the victory of God's side in World War II centered on Christianity.
Teachings on Cain and Abel’s significance in God’s providence, the struggle between good and evil, and the path to reconciliation.
The foundation for the providence centered on the Lord during, the Second Advent was established through the victory of God's side in World War II centered on Christianity.
It was at the time of the 72 Couples Blessing that True Father organized the Marriage Blessing Ceremony Committee, which published an explanation of the purpose of the Blessing ceremony.
True Parents pointed out in particular that the age of the settlement of blessed families is the age of mother-child responsibility.
At the US state leaders meeting held on March 15, 1978, True Parents emphasized, home church work and stressed that from April 1 the state leaders should begin to work in earnest to recruit 30,000 members
What I am about to tell you is what I’ve heard often from Father. This is not in the Divine Principle.
Ladies and gentlemen, Heaven carries out its providence in truly profound ways.
People did not know if God existed and why there was suffering. Everything went wrong because of the blood lineage.
At this moment, the bright sun of the fifth year of God’s Kingdom of Cheon Il Guk is causing flowers of life and love to bloom for all humankind and all things in the universe.
People with a long history of faith would have a desire for God, who established the standard of absolute faith.
We can hold this ceremony because all the people on Earth and in Heaven were blessed and formed a homogeneous nation.
The oriental way of writing is always vertical, whereas the Western way is horizontal.
However, we do not know what is happening beyond the scope of our missions.