Please Find The Destined Relationship Of Heart And Accomplish The Completion Of Restoration
We cannot help but report to you once again at this time that we are ashamed before our father who has worked so hard in order to realize the Will.
Prayers for the Heart by Reverend Sun Myung Moon
Latest Spiritual Messages — page 2
We cannot help but report to you once again at this time that we are ashamed before our father who has worked so hard in order to realize the Will.
Father! Today please allow all of our thoughts to move, our minds to move, and our bodies to move in the garden of your heart.
Father! Please allow us to experience heaven through our hearts.
Father! If we are sorrowful, we want to be sorrowful holding on to you.
Father! Even if we say that in the course of history humankind has struggled to find you, until now there have been no people on earth who have lived attending you.
Because of the Fall, our sense of being able to communicate with your heart left us, and our mind which could love all things through experiencing your heart was no longer with us.
Oh Father! Our grief-filled history has wound itself around us and is moving us along.
We long for the day when we can live together with you.
e know the fact that because of the fall of the original Adam and Eve, who were to attend you, that until now history has been a course of sorrow.
Please bear with these disloyal, unfilial children who have forgotten a thousand, ten thousand times that this kind of historical anguish remains.
Father! Having been swept into the death realm of sorrow and lamentation, we are unfilial children who cannot form our destined relationship with heaven.
We know that Jesus and God had no respite from sorrow as they related to humankind.