Father! Please allow us to experience heaven through our hearts. Please allow us to be able to experience the heart of our father which we cannot help but feel even if we don't want to. Father, please give us hearts that cannot help but repent before you even if we don't want to.
We know that in places where people gather together with other people, things are solved and then become complicated again, but in places where people gather centered on heaven, the things that have formed knots in people's minds are solved. Now please raise minds that are touched and that can long for the new day and reflect on ourselves and repent for the past through acts of inspiration, acts of repentance, and acts of indemnity which can solve fundamentally everything that has become tangled due to the tribes of evil. And we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow acts of re-creation to arise which will let us be able to repent for ourselves having clung to that mind.
Today we are not longing for happiness of the body alone, and we do not want to live intoxicated by our minds alone. We desire only the garden where we can give our hearts the greatest value and live forever. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will please allow us to be able to form destined relationships wthatcan exist deep in our hearts and that in our daily lives as well, the conditions for a heartistic destined relationship can explode out from each one's heart.
Father! On this holy day please pour down the grace of your blessings on all people. Representing the will and embracing your heart, appealing to heaven, nd raising hidden altars, your sons and daughters who are praying know many things. Therefore, please bless them as well.
This movement, which is embracing the lonely heart of heaven, and suffering with it, and even the many spirits of the pirspiritrld, who are awaiting the day of indemnified liberation, have a relationship with us. Therefore, Father, please allow their work also to have a good result through us. Please guide our inadequate selves who have not been able to fulfill the level of heart that the Triune God who surrounds us is watching and longing for. Please establish us as beings of joy who are worthy of calling you "Father." If we have not yet received that kind of grace, we earnestly hope and desire that you will lead us at this time to become sons and daughters who, like gentle, humble children, attract your heart of mercy and compassion.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
Please Let Us Form Our Destined Relationship Of Heart With You
Father! Please allow us to experience heaven through our hearts.
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