Please Let Us Become Fruits Of Joy Who Establish A Day Of Rejoicing
You have been calling us and seeking us for six thousand years.
Prayer for Hope by Reverend Sun Myung Moon
You have been calling us and seeking us for six thousand years.
We know well that Jesus came to this earth, and from the day that he knew the truth and the more time passed
We want to sing praises to you while belonging to the realm of life
Humankind must awaken from its deep sleep, from darkness and from the power of total darkness.
Please have compassion for all the people living on the earth.
We know that our individual selves represent God, represent couples, represent parents
Until now we thought only the front existed, but the back does, too;
Please take dominion over all of your sons and daughters who have gathered here.
In that place where tears are exchanged with tears
In the garden of our minds, please allow your joy to be planted!
On this day you have permitted, we have prostrated ourselves
Please let us now forget the concept of "myself