Let Us Be Israel, the Chosen People of God
The reason God carried out the dispensation of toiling for several thousand years looking for Jacob is because Adam, the ancestor, had fallen.
Sermons about God's Will
The reason God carried out the dispensation of toiling for several thousand years looking for Jacob is because Adam, the ancestor, had fallen.
I formed trinities, but you probably do not really understand their heavenly value.
Although Jesus was born in the small, bloody body of a baby, he was the incarnation who could represent the Will of God.
After the resurrection, Jesus stayed on the earth for forty days. Before he ascended, he made the promise that he would send the Holy Spirit, the protector and giver of blessing.
The purpose of God's constant toil and His leading the providence until the present day is only to achieve His will.
It is to watch all things singing with God's love and returning glory to Him, centered on humans who have fulfilled the purpose of goodness.
What kind of mind did Jesus have when he appeared before humanity on this earth?
Fallen humankind has not yet found the value of eternal life to which the world, the earth and heaven, can attest.
Initially the term "elite troop" did not exist. It came into being because of the fall of man.