Forty-Hour Days
God wanted to be called “Father” and “Grandfather.” God had to wait six thousand years for that.
Sermons about True Parents
Latest Spiritual Messages — page 24
God wanted to be called “Father” and “Grandfather.” God had to wait six thousand years for that.
We must have a new start and share this with every possible person before we pass away.
In the Unification Church, we celebrate seven major holidays during the calendar year.
On September 17 of last year, I came to Tokyo as the principal speaker at the national rally held by the Women’s Federation for Peace in Asia.
This may be the first time that women have taken the initiative to gather so many women in one place.
Beloved members of the Women’s Federation for Peace in Asia and Japanese representatives who have come across the sea to celebrate this meeting!
My topic today is filial piety. We understand the meaning of filial piety as the son or daughter’s devotion to their parents, and it is very significant in a life of faith.
I pray for the blessing of God and True Parents to deeply be in your homes. We, gathered here today, are all God’s children serving True Parents.
We all understand Adam and Eve as the primary ancestors and as the symbol of mankind.
After all, the Blessing was supposed to be consummated through Adam and Eve.
You think you are alive, but in God's eyes, you are dead. Human history began with this history of death.
The false parents' betrayal of the heavenly principle of love has brought ruin.