Day Of The Victory Of Love
The offering table was prepared in honor of Heung Jin Nim, who has become the Commander-in-chief of the whole spirit world.
Sermons about Sacrifice
The offering table was prepared in honor of Heung Jin Nim, who has become the Commander-in-chief of the whole spirit world.
Each year people have plans. Individual plans, family plans, and national and world plans.
I pray for the blessing of God and True Parents to deeply be in your homes. We, gathered here today, are all God’s children serving True Parents.
This is something that can make a difference in my life, in the lives of all the church members, and in the future of the world.
The existence of man is necessary for Heavenly Father to have joy. Man’s value lies in being able to provide joy to Heavenly Father.
The tradition is here to stay, and millions of people afterward will continue in that tradition.
The Yoido rally last year prepared the national foundation spiritually and established a substantial national standard.
Now that you know God exists, I am going to talk about how God is pursuing His providence of restoration.
God's original intent was to have one unified world, in which individuals, families, tribes, and nations live together in harmony.
This evening I am going to talk about God's providence for mankind, how He began this providence, and how He has been leading it.
We cannot deny that the first human ancestors fell somehow.
The primary purpose of the Providential History for Restoration is to recover the individual's and family's horizontal relation with God.