Tenth Anniversary of WFWP
This federation was not founded simply as another woman’s organization among the many that already exist.
The Women's Federation for World Peace was founded in 1992 in the Republic of Korea and quickly expanded to over 100 countries.
This federation was not founded simply as another woman’s organization among the many that already exist.
It is my great honor to share my vision for world peace with such an illustrious gathering of women leaders from throughout the nation.
On September 17 of last year, I came to Tokyo as the principal speaker at the national rally held by the Women’s Federation for Peace in Asia.
We are arriving at an important transitional era, entering a world of oneness that transcends the barriers of ideologies, the differences between languages and cultures, and racial conflicts.
Members of the Women’s Federation for World Peace, it gives me great joy and honor to sit before you today as president of this Federation.
This may be the first time that women have taken the initiative to gather so many women in one place.
Beloved members of the Women’s Federation for Peace in Asia and Japanese representatives who have come across the sea to celebrate this meeting!
I would like to express my sincere congratulations to the Women’s Federation for Peace in Asia for having grown
I pray for the blessing of God and True Parents to deeply be in your homes. We, gathered here today, are all God’s children serving True Parents.