Children's Day
Through the institution of Children's Day, they built a foundation on which to eradicate the seed of sin sown by Adam and Eve and liberate humanity from evil.
The words of Reverend Moon dedicated to True Children's Day
Through the institution of Children's Day, they built a foundation on which to eradicate the seed of sin sown by Adam and Eve and liberate humanity from evil.
Only True Parents can liberate the God of the day and the God of the night.
People with a long history of faith would have a desire for God, who established the standard of absolute faith.
Those who are attending this kind of major celebration with True Parents for the first time, raise your hands, please.
In the Unification Church, we celebrate seven major holidays during the calendar year.
My topic today is filial piety. We understand the meaning of filial piety as the son or daughter’s devotion to their parents, and it is very significant in a life of faith.
In Korea, we have an old saying that sons and daughters always feel regret when their parents are not there or have passed away.
The first celebration for Children's Day, held under the title of Thanksgiving Day service, was personally carried out from beginning to end by True Parents, and in his words