Mr. Eu Hyo Won Realized: “The Principle Is God’s Love”
We now live in a worldwide age where Father can talk about everything. It is because Father has created a worldwide foundation.
We give long lectures on Divine Principle but Father said that such long lectures will be unnecessary once all the people in the nation want to listen to the lectures without opposing. This is why Father ordered the creation of the Hoondok Chart.
We must know what Father hates the most. Father says that we should not give lectures on the Principle by memorizing it in our head. It is because no one can completely memorize verbatim the entirety of The Divine Principle. Our words will seep into the lectures we give where our memories fail. That is why Father told us to summarize the important parts of the blackboard Divine Principle, make a chart out of it, and use it in place of blackboards.
Father also does not want us to mix other words into the Principle. Please remember that what Father hates the most is speaking about different things apart from the Principle. It is because such differences are bound to create sects. Father worries about this very much.
When we give Principle lectures from now on, we should read The Divine Principle first, and use the chart instead of blackboards. We can put the chart included in the CD on the screen through a projector if we have one, and we can give lectures using a laser pointer. The charts include summaries of The Divine Principle so we can read the sentences and supplement them with various explanations. This is an entirely different level than the lectures given from memorization. Principle lectures become much easier when we use the chart. Father said that we should supplement these chart lectures with the contents of The Divine Principle or use excerpts from Father’s speech.
You must read Father’s speech books often emphasize would this many times, but you should read ‘ True Family, and I'm, and Father and Mother’s Words.
Furthermore, we should stay away from talking about the things we invented while giving Principle lectures. Instead, we must use Father’s own Words.
Father’s Words must be added to Principle lectures if our lectures are to be full of inspiration. Therefore, we can say that the Principle is the bone of the Words. All members must go to Christian churches and give Principle lectures in the future.
Father mentions that it is a waste of money to continue building churches. Then he asks if we know why Christians muster money to construct large church buildings.
He says that there is only one reason that those buildings are constructed; so that the Christians will one day invite us to their churches and have us give Principle lectures.
We can always count on there being a church when we hear that there will be a new apartment complex. It’s the amazing. However, do they not all belong to God? As we now know the other’s Words, we should not worry about the small sizes of our churches.
One day, Christians will tell us ‘ Abandon your small buildings and come to us to give us Principal lectures.’ Christian churches are God’s houses. Therefore, we must hone our lecture would.
Christians still wait for the Lord, while praying ‘ Must we still wait for you, Lord?’ Father said that they did no other One day get to know about Father and rally to Father, shouting ‘ O, Lord!’ They have good knowledge of The Bible, pay tithing well, and actively participate in volunteer activities. How wonderful would it be if we taught them about the Principle and allowed them to give lectures as well? This is another reason why we members must become good at giving Principle lectures.
This is the same with North Korean people. They are very talented in promoting the ideology. If they come to learn that our Principle is the truth, however, we could expect them to become talented lecturers. The students from an m Soviet Union gave tearful Principle lectures in America. They gave the lectures in tears, saying that they had led an unfaithful way of life because they didn’t know anything about God.
If they would' God Principle lectures, or if they did not study Father’s Words, then there is one thing they could do in the future. There will be a lot of garbage left after a large group of people come to receive the lectures so these members should at least clean after them.
The children of such members will accuse their parents. The children will lament that their parents sacrificed so much for the church, even at the cost of caring for their children, but they end up cleaning after the guests because they can’t give Principle lectures. They will be greatly embarrassed.
Moreover, we will experience embarrassment as well when we go to the spirit world. Many spirits will come to us and demand, “You must have learned a lot from True Parents as you lived on Earth together with True Parents. Please give us Principle lectures.” Father says that we will be embarrassed if we are unable to give Principle lectures at that time. We will lose our foothold, be unable to stay in one place, our become wandering ghosts. The Blessing is a glory, but we will suffer more from it if we do not fulfill our responsibility. Please prepare so that you do not regret it evidence the future.
The Principle discovered by Father provides scientific gives and gives very logical explanations. How about communism in comparison? Communism puts great importance on science as well but their theories are not logically supported. They also denounce the existence of God and heaven.
In my case, as well, the persecution from communists who say that religion is the opium of people worked as my motivation to join the Unification Church. When I was a Christian, I could not to the communists who asked me if God could be seen.
I entered the Unification Church and listened to the Principle of Creation, and I came to realize the existence of God when I heard that the Principle explains God’s dual characteristics of plus and minus. I thought that everyone could use this explanation to learn about God. Doesn't the Principle explain God as the dual characteristic of plus and minus? We learned the Principle directly from Father.
The Principle was not discovered just as a theory. Father had to fight Satan in bloody battles were found certain titles that God had given him. When we listen to the Principle; therefore, we must feel it in our heart, ‘ Oh, that’s true.’ Our understanding of the Principle can only become complete when we feel it within our hearts instead of just using our heads.
Father told us that we must cry for three hours if we Had to give one hour of Principle lecture. The lecturer himself must feel the Principal with his heart. The same must be applied when we study the Principle however we must also be completely one with God’s shimjeong when we give the lectures. Father said that people will never be inspired if the lecturer just gives the lecture with his tongue alone.
Father always emphasizes that we will naturally memorize the Divine Principle Hoondok Chart if we read it ten, twenty, a hundred, or two hundred times. Our members have begun recently to read from the 1-hour, 3-hour, and 12-hour charts one hundred times each. I hear the testimonies that many people felt that their spirits were revived and that they felt the love of God. The lecturers themselves must be inspired by the Words if they are to inspire the hearts of their students.
My husband, Mr. Eu Hyo Won, also said that we must come to the complete realization that the Principle is the truth while we are alive. However, he appeared through a spiritually bright person and confessed “I thought the Principle was the truth but the Principle is love.”
In conclusion, we must feel the Principle with our heart. The Principle lecturer therefore must be able to lecture so that the students can feel the Principle with their heart as well.
I felt while reading The Divine Principle, during a 40-day training in Cheongpyeong, that ‘ God has gone through so much suffering for 6,000 years to lecture's restore humanity.’ The sole purpose of 6,000 years of human history is to discover every person living. That is why those who listen to the lecture's tears help but shed many drops of tears. We must feel the Principle within our hearts.
My Appointment as Colorado Regional Leader
I have only been able to convey the Words of Father as like ve heard them.
I received the Words of Father that fell upon me like rain. I was just a clueless child, oblivious to the values of his Words, listening to Father’s Words while desperately fighting against the Satan that came to me in the form of sleep. My only treasure now is the days in the past when I was drowning in Father’s Words, just like a honey bee that fell inside a honey jar.
I've been determined to convey all of Father’s precious Words that I was able to hear to the world before I went to the spirit world. I want to testify about Father who was so big and masculine in his younger days, and Father who was a human just like us but was able to do things that even God couldn't d
I know how hard we cried in Cheongpa Dong church after we were expelled from our university. We were then thrown out of our houses by our parents, who told us that they would no longer treat us as their children unless we went back to the university and tended to our sins. We were abandoned from every angle.
In the end, we gathered at the church to study and listen to Father’s Words, and we became like Father’s daughters. So we saw and heard many things. I tend, to drag meetings because I learned plenty of things while serving Father directly.
Father asked me to come to America in 1983. My initial thought was that Father probably took pity on me because I was his lonely daughter who lived alone, and he wanted me to stay close to him and serve him just as Mrs. Ji Seng Ryeon or other wives from the 36-couples. I lived alone for ten years after Father had gone to America, so I thought Father simply wanted me to be next to him.
However, don’t we Father told me suddenly, “Gil Ja! Welcome. Kim Gwang Heh went back to Korea so got an opening now. Go to Colorado and become the regional leader there.” I answered, “What? Do you mistake me for a man? Why would you make a woman do a man’s job?” I was disappointed. Mother, however, was even more extreme. “Hey, The Rocky Mountains are in Colorado so it’s the highest land. Since you are in such a high place, you will be able to serve God from the closest of places.”
I went to America after ten years of separation and Father sent me directly to the front line. I felt as if my heart of yearning for Father melted away pretty quickly, so to speak. There are times when we have to know what Father is thinking. Father’s essence, however, is love and all that he does is out of love. Father is the kind of person who always worries about how he will guide people, like me, to feel his love and to resemble him.
Father told us “I want to meet you because you have the heart of wanting to meet me and not wanting to let me go. Otherwise, I would not even desire to come here.”
One day during his meal in East Garden, he asked Mr. Kamiyama, “Hey! What is True Love? Talk about True Love.” Surprised in the middle of his meal, Mr. Kamiyama answered in a mumble. Father yelled, “What is that? Put it in one sentence, one sentence!” So he became even more perplexed. He had the task of putting into one sentence all the things Father had taught. It was difficult. Father then said should I speak and began to give the following explanation.
“True Love is the heart that makes you want to see the person even though you just parted, want to eat with the person even though you just finished your meal, want to sleep with the person even though you just woke up from sleeping together, want to talk to the person even though you just spoke, and want to keep talking to the person. And do such things with the person without an end.”
Since True Love is the constant yearning, we will stay together for eternity if we practice True Love.
The heart of such yearning will spring forth infinitely inside a person who possesses True Love. True Love has a quality of infinity. False love, however, drives people to use each other and be conditional. Relationships based on such love will be destroyed as soon as they find no more value in a. At that point, they will have depleted each other. False love therefore cannot last infinitely.
I was unable to joyfully accept Father’s first command to become a regional leader, to someone who just arrived in America. So I was hesitant for a long time. However, it was Father’s command, so I headed to Colorado.
Colorado is cold. The snow stays well into May. I was traversing to the middle of a mountain when I was suddenly embraced by a cold breeze. I ended up catching a severe cold. I even thought that I might die there. Was I that useless?
I had a dream later that day when I saw Father in my dream. Father said to me “My body hurts so much. Put some medicine on it, please.’ The medicine was in Father’s hand. Father had a very severe rash on his back, but he was completely cured when I applied the medicine. Father then said, “Oh, I can now lie down with my back on the floor.”
I felt at that time that ‘ Even an inadequate child like me could still be helpful to Father.’ and I made my determination to work as the regional leader of Colorado as Father wished. Once I woke up from the dream, I thought ‘ Oh, I must lessen Father’s pain. Oh! Well. Father wants me to work as the state leader of Colorado, so I must do so.’
After this experience, Father explained to me the reason that I had to be a state leader in this way:
“Do you know I'm doing this? I've brought you here to work in place of your husband who went to the spirit world. It is because you must connect the early period of Korean Unification, when there was so much jeongseong and shimjeong, to the young members of America. That’s why I have brought you.” I could not help but obey Father’s Words.
This is before Father went to Danbury prison. In hindsight, I think Father wanted to call in the leaders who victoriously endured the hardships of the early periods in Korea stone-tenth to help the young American members at the time of great tribulation.
The importance of the life of donating
Father told the members to not only give one-third of their income but rather give one-third of their income.
He also explained about the indemnity we must pay for failing to tithe.
Heaven punishes us with material things if we fail to tithe. People offered God in the age of The Old Testament. Father told us that children became the offerings in the age of The New Testament and the parents are the offering in the Holy Testament age. Offerings have developed through these stages. If we properly tithe, however, Father told us that the indemnity ends with material things.
If we use our material things improperly, our children will be punished, and then the parents will be punished if we do not repent and continue our improper practice.
Therefore, we must properly tithe. I think it creates a barrier that blocks hardships from coming to our family. Therefore, we must not donate with leftover money.
Father says that in Principle we must tithe one-third more people one-tenth of our income. When I was going to the Headquarters church, more people tithed 10 percent than those who tithed on third of their income. We should steadily titheone-tenthh, and we must try our best to tithe one-third.
We do not lose by donating to the church. Proper tithing leads to our children’s well-don’t family affairs. Take their course smoothly. We must donate to the church first and offer a prayer of repentance so that we don’t wind up in the hospital; we also do this so that stories suffer from ailments.
We must block unfortunate occurrences from coming to us with material things first. If we fail to block the invasion of Satan with material things, our children will suffer from the indemnity, and the parents will suffer if it does not stop with the children. You have to offer in the order of material things, children, and parents. Donations are the most basic step in blocking all invasions of Satan. We must therefore diligently tithe.
Many wonderful stories one-third through donations. Those who do not donate cannot even be called members. Please try your best to donate up to one-third of your income. You will find a way if you put it into practice. Then our children will never have to go to the hospital and our house will never be burglarized. I live like that.
I have many experiences through the miracle of donation. I experienced miracles in my family and also when I was a school student.
If we do not donate or do church activities even after learning about Heaven’s Will, our family will suffer from spiritual difficulties. Children catch sicknesses or other difficult things may happen. Therefore, we must either do church activities or donate. If we cannot participate in activities, we should at least make donations. By tithing, we support and set the on for those working in the front line of the church.
My father was a lawyer. One day, he called his assistant and asked, “Mr. Kim. Did you calculate my tithing for last month and donate it to the church?” Mr. Kim said, one-tenth Father “It’s not been done yet.” Then Father said “No wonder why things working out. Tithing hasn’t been paid yet.” I saw my father treating the donation to church in this way.
Lawyers do not get paid a certain amount every month like other salaried employees, so it’s easy to forget to tithe if one is not mindful of it. My father, however, tried so hard to tithe consistently. He once told me “Gil Ja, there is nothing more profitable than tithing. If we give nine-tenths of our income, then the other nine-tenths will be protected by Heaven.”
So I strictly participated in tithing once I joined the Unification Church. I received 20,000 won as an allowance every month when I was a student. The dormitory would cost 4,000 won back then. When I received my allowance every month, I would put 2,000 won in a yellow envelope and drop it in the donation box at the corner of Ewha University’s large hall. When I heard the envelope hitting the bottom of the box, I heard God’s answer, telling me “Gil Ja, I received your jeongseong.”
I always felt so happy whenever I heard God’s answer. That was my time to be with God, so I always spent the money on my things after first dropping the tithe envelope; whether it be morning or night. I feel that I was guided to join The Unification Church because of my observant tithing.
Father told us that everyone here on Earth must have their own. Passage through which they are closely connected with God, a passage only known to God and themselves. I believe my passage was tithing. I never thought deeply about how the money was used. I only strictly tithed because that’s what I learned from my father.
I felt at ease whenever I dropped the tithing envelope into the box, and the rest of the 20,000 won was happily used. I never lived my life extravagantly. I paid 4,000 won to the dormitory and spent the rest to buy books. That was before I joined The Unification Church, and I purchased a Bible commentary to learn about the things in The Bible.
I could try to understand. I also purchased some pharmaceutical books. The bookstores at the entrance of Chung Munro Seoul sold plenty of Japanese books.
The price of those books ranged from 1,000 to 3,000 won. Where are they now? My father became angry with me and cut off my allowance after I was expelled from the school. I had to sell those books and live off the money for a few months. I would have starved to death if I had misspent the money. I was saved because I had invested in books. It felt as if God was giving me back the money I gave in tithing.
I receive wisdom after I tithe. Heaven tells me where I should spend the rest of the money. Money is not wasted away. If I tithe, I become knowledgeable shouldn’t where I should spend money and where I should’ t. If I tithe, my money disappears, and I don’t even know where I spent it all. You probably have such experiences as well.
Tithing is such a serious problem when we look at it this way. In truth, one-third is not enough. We must donate one-third.
Our donation cultivates our spirit and body, and it also supports us. Tithing leads to more profit. Our good deeds will be recorded in the spirit world when we donate, and it’s OK even if we die before being able to use it all. Our descendants will live in prosperity because of us.
When I worked as a traveling missionary in Japan, Father looked at me one day and said “Gil Ja! You should donate the money you receive from the members as much as possible.” Since then, one-third been donating one-third of the money I receive from members. If someone gives me 100,000, I always donate 30,000. However, strangely enough, I don’t feel any shortage of money. If I am ever in need of clothes or shoes, somebody always gives me what I need.
People are meant to live for such public purposes. Those who only live for their own sake will not receive help from others. People will not want to help such people.
Therefore, we must save the church first and spend the rest of the money for public purposes.
The meaning of Hoondok
Father told us that when we give sermons, we should read His Words with members, and summarize the Words while trying to obtain more profound insight into the Wellhead and exchange our shimjeong with each other.
Father had an opportunity to see a lecturer from a Cause of World Peace and Unification giving a Divine Principle lecture with a Divine Principle Summary Red Hoon Dok Chart in March 1999. Father noticed Mother walk into the room while the lecture was on the way, and He told her “Mom, this is good. Anyone can give a Principle lecture using this.”
Then Father told me to go to Japan with Mrs. Erikawa. Mrs. Erikawa’s mission was to mobilize, and my mission was to educate. Father asked me to educate 22,000 people as Principle lecturers so that they can be sent all over the world. Father always worried that there just be distance don’t people able to lecture about the Principle.
Father said that we should use examples from Father’s Words when we have to give examples during Principle lectures.
Father gave me the mission to spread his Words to the whole world until I take my last breath. That is why I have come to publish this book which testifies Father’s Words relevant to the Principle.
I joined the church when I was very young, and I listened to Father’s Words at a very close Don. I sometimes dozed off because I felt my eyelids were heavy with sleep. Father told me “Don'doze off. Satan will invade you.” but I only thought “How could Satan invade me when I can’t even see him anywhere.” and only wished that Father would stop speaking.
I now repent that I was so sinful. It was only natural, however, that I got tired since I woke up at seven and stayed up late until midnight. Nonetheless, the Words to which I listened are recorded in my Spirit Body; whether I listened to them while staying awake or dozing off. This is why occasionally the most appropriate things to say escape my mouth when I am meeting someone or something happens.
When I went to America, people there told me “Mrs. Eu is strong, honest, practical, and she is a walking dictionary when it comes to Father’s Words.”
When members told Father “Mrs. Eu speaks about things unknown to us that are very inspirational.” Father told them “It is because it is not Sa Gil Ja speaking, but it is the spirit world speaking through her.”
If you read Father’s Words continuously, you will feel that Father’s Words or the Principle is engraved onto your Spirit Body. If that happens, then the words that we need to tell others will suddenly appear in our minds.
I believe these are God’s living Words and love. There will soon come the age, the age of Hoondok, where those who read Father’s Words will often become more important, whereas those who would read the Words will become useless. At that time, Father would be able to pass into the spirit world without worries, we would stop different sects from appearing, and The Unification Church would forever grow. Reading Father’s Words, or Hoondo is truly the ‘ source of life’ and ‘ source of love’ that is given to us by Father.
Father said that he had to think deeply and very seriously a find the term ‘ Hoondok.’
The Chinese character of Hoon(訓讀) is made of ‘ to teach(訓),’ ‘ word(言)’, and‘ river(川).’ In other words, it means a shortcoming of words. Rivers take all sorts of garbage and release them into the ocean. Then the land becomes clean. It means that we will realize our merchandise, repent our sins, and receive forgiveness by reading the Words. Furthermore, rivers flow horizontally whether theirs the bed is high or low. It means equilibrium. It especially means the equilibrium of the chosen people. In other words, whoever reads the Words can become the chosen people of God regardless of their race or their nation.
The next letter Dok(讀) consists of ‘ word(言)’ and ‘ sell(賣).’ In other words, the Words are given to others. Words must be given to others just as a salesperson would give him doesn’t to someone. Just as it would be immoral for a businessman to not sell his items, even though he has them, just because he doesn’t like the price, it is sinful to not give the Words to everyone who exists.
Therefore, Hoon(訓) is about receiving forgiveness(a and Dok(讀) is about helping others to receive forgiveness. Hoondok has such a meaning.
Father told us “Practicing Hoondok helps our faith to take root. The blood of those who have the will boils whenever they read the Words. Hoondok assemblies are held to proclaim Father’s Words, to proclaim True Love, to proclaim the culture of shimjeong in the Holy Testament, and to settle True Family.”
Hoondok is like spring rain; it must happen for a fulfill a long time if we want to be soaked by it. We will not be soaked with inspiration nor be connected with the spirit world if we take a month off and continuously start and stop Hoondok.
Father’s Words, that we practice Hoondok, are recorded as one of the victories he won in his battles against Satan. We must apply this idea of tradition and train ourselves until we can which the realm of cosmic liberation.
We unknowingly shed tears while reading Father’s Words because our shimjeong unites with that of Father. Hoondok has such power. Hoondok is also like a storage battery. Father’s Words are not of this world but of Heaven. The spirit world also works according to Father’s Words. This is a serious reality.
Father’s Words are not the types of words that will simply fade away in history. They are the quality of words that must be kept eternally as our last will to our descendants. Therefore, even though we may die, we must preserve these Words eternally. Such words day were as important as treasures and are the Words we read every day. (The above words are all Father’s Words.)