Lucifer And Adam Have The Same Father
Lucifer's and Adam's Father are the same beings – God. There cannot be two creators only one.
The Chinese character "hoon" (訓) is composed of two elements: "word" (言) and "stream" (川). The three lines symbolize a flowing river, while also representing the three stages of formation, growth, and completion. The character "dok" (讀) consists of "word" (言) and "sell" (賣). This implies that, like merchants, we must distribute or "sell" words, sharing them with others.
Latest Spiritual Messages — page 2
Lucifer's and Adam's Father are the same beings – God. There cannot be two creators only one.
That day, Father spoke for 23 hours and 30 minutes without eating or going to the bathroom.
It is because I know how the sorrowful history of humankind has been woven
Hoon Dok Hae this morning was held in the True Parents' Suite at the Waikiki Marriott Hotel.
The Hoon Dok Hae was very small. 24 people were invited and Father said that 24 was a very good number.
You should stretch yourself to the east and the west.
We are headed toward settlement, and we must have a new system of the heavenly nation.
All people should be able to harmonize with the heavenly tradition; it doesn't matter whether it is a developed country or a developing country.
We must create God's Homeland where God can dwell. That is the kind of place we can leave behind for our descendants.
Father discussed the core of the Principle: through Hoon Dok Hae we must know the way of God and True Parents.
People did not know if God existed and why there was suffering. Everything went wrong because of the blood lineage.
Three sons of True Parents and their spouses will fulfill some portion of this tour.