The Bedrock Beneath True Parents
The blessing, blessed families this is a surprising historic revolution.
Reverend Moon’s Wisdom on Ancestors: Understanding Their Role in God’s Providence 🕊️
The blessing, blessed families this is a surprising historic revolution.
God created human beings to experience joy for eternity. Adam and Eve, the first ancestors of humankind, were created to be the object partners of God's absolute true love.
Adam and Eve were created as God's substantial object partners Adam was the representative of God's masculinity and Eve was the representative of God's femininity.
The first human ancestors were to start as good parents, but instead, they started as evil parents.
By having performed the engagement ceremony of three spiritual children before the True Parents' Holy Wedding, the True Father set the condition that the three main disciples attain an ideal unity with Jesus.
According to True Parents, while we are on earth we should liberate our ancestors in the spirit world.
These men attended True Father's night and day during his lifetime.
During today's Hoon Dok Hae, there will be a proclamation of the Word of God's Ideal Hometown and Homeland.
It is because I know how the sorrowful history of humankind has been woven
A little over one month ago, I celebrated my 90th birthday and took my first steps toward the hundredth year of my life.
Humankind had no way of knowing that God, the Creator, and Owner of heaven and earth, is the True Parent of humankind.
First and foremost, you should thoroughly rearrange your life. Begin by discovering the absolute realm of unity between your mind and body.