Oh, Father of great love and exceeding goodness! We don't dare think about how miserable the circumstances you have been in were or how mistreated you were or how great the wounds were to your heart and mind for you, our father who should be exceedingly glorious, to come to this sorrowful earth.
Oh, Father who established children of goodness, and imagined in your mind a heavenly kingdom of goodness, an ideal world of goodness, and longed for the day of hope! The more earnestly that your mind was hoping to establish the day of hope through the human ancestors Adam and Eve, the more your mind would have wanted to love them, the more responsibility you would have felt for that purpose, and the more your mind would have wanted to protect Adam and Eve.
When we look back on and think about the grief-filled history in which our human ancestors betrayed and turned away from your bosom of love and your protection, we are extremely regretful, extremely angry, and extremely resentful that we were born as the descendants of fallen ancestors.
Our minds and bodies have not been able to take off the yoke of sin, and swept away by the waves of death we have become those who should be destroyed in the pits of death without any room for argument.
Through the dense course of history, you have gone through so much suffering, worrying every day about us who are like that. Because your concern was great for the historical future of humankind, you have had a sorrowful mind, and you have followed the footsteps of us unworthy human beings. But we have come to know that you were not able to open your heart to anyone at any time, and we have come to know that you were not able to have any children who could comfort your heart at any time.
You have gone through a difficult course of restoration like this for 6,000 years!
Now having reached the Last Days, you have gathered together on the Korean peninsula our pitiful and unworthy selves, to represent this people.
Accordingly, we know that this relationship did not come about by chance. We have learned through the word and have received evidence through reality, but we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will let us realize the frightening truth that if we are not able to absorb the word and the evidence as our own, the word and the evidence will come to judge us.
Oh, Father who has gathered together this Unification Movement! We know that the misery of your toil along the road of history cannot be expressed. Please do not let us forget even in our dreams your earnest heart and your situation as you gather this unworthy, weak group together and, promising us a day of victory, push us out on the path of suffering.
Please let us keep that deep in our minds even in difficult situations; and in sad situations, please let us become sons and daughters who are able to think first of our father who is shedding sorrowful tears. Even if we fall into bleak and miserable situations, we earnestly hope and pray; Father, that you will not let us become sons and daughters who forget the miserable heart of our father who has gone the path of the cross.
We know that two thousand years ago the Prince of Heaven, the Savior of all humankind, the Messiah whom you sent to this earth lived in sorrow and died.
When he was born, you were concerned as he was born, and while he was growing up, you were concerned as he grew up, too. And we know that along the course of his public ministry representing you, he confronted enemies along the road of persecution took responsibility, and went the course of suffering.
We know that things were that way because our ancestors could not fulfill their responsibilities. Since we have found out the nature of all the historical crimes, please do not let us forget that we have the entire responsibility to establish reality on the earth and to relieve the grief of history.
Please do not let us forget that the lamentations of the past are urging us forward, and we earnestly hope and desire that you will not let us forget that you want to give through us whom you established firsttoo let people know the mission of the age.
We have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
Oh Father, Who Has Walked Through This Course Of History Of Lamentations
Oh Father of great love and exceeding goodness!
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