True Parents’ Prayer

Beloved Heavenly Father! Today on February 21, 2010, at 10:09 am, we wish to dedicate to You Cheon Bok Gung of the Unificationist faith, which will serve as the Unification Church headquarters.

The dedication of the growth-stage Cheon Bok Gung
The dedication of the growth-stage Cheon Bok Gung

Father’s Prayer

Beloved Heavenly Father! Today on February 21, 2010, at 10:09 am, we wish to dedicate to You Cheon Bok Gung of the Unificationism faith, which will serve as the Unification Church headquarters. It was prepared recently, through our devotion here in Yongsan Borough, to build Cheon Il Guk. We stand under the watchful gaze of all of those in the spirit world and all those on earth. Furthermore, for the Unification Church, it has been ten years since the creation of Cheon Il Guk began with the purpose of building a new heavenly nation.

We have seven days left before welcoming the new month of March as we dedicate to You the Cheon Bok Gung Unificationist religious order in Yongsan, as the headquarters. I pray that Your heart may be filled with joy at this hour of dedication, though this headquarters is humble compared to a headquarters that is centered on the altar of God’s providential will. It is a place for people to gather that is by no means inferior to the blueprint that Heaven had in mind and gazed upon more intensely than did the hearts of the people who gaze and look upon it or the hearts of those who worship in other faiths.

Let the Father’s heart be planted throughout this place as we reflect upon ourselves each day and deeply think about this emblematic temple as a place for offering devotions that do not fall short in any way in continuing the vision of creating a new future nation for You with the support of the twenty-four elders, the four great saints, and all the saints and sages who have come and gone throughout the historical ages, and whom You govern in the heavenly world, going beyond nations and centering on the global UN. I sincerely, pray that it can be a lighthouse standing at the center, completely controlling all twenty-four hours, and an emblematic headquarters that can observe, protect, and guide everyone and not be forgotten by Heaven.

God, the unique being, has been the only one since time immemorial. The goal and purpose of establishing the authority and dignity of the one and only God remained throughout the years of bringing order to ever-changing historical circumstances. Let that goal be embodied in this one temple and foundation that You can embrace and love every second of every day. This I sincerely pray.

Let it become the candlelight a garden around which all people who resemble Heaven in heart can assemble according to the instructions of that heart. Your heart has conceived a world fulfilling the original ideal of creation that follows the lofty and precious heavenly principles and has envisioned that future world. I pray that in the garden of the Father’s heart, You may embrace all things of creation from the small minute forms of life to a being that transcends the great universe. May the people harmonize with a heart of love and transcend each second of the day, transcend time and space with that heart of love to form the standards for all people to revere, becoming aware of the new and progressive developments that are unchanging within the heart of love they experience. I sincerely pray that You allow this to come to pass.

We are about to dedicate this headquarters temple in the name of True Parents, together in one heart with the people of Seoul, centered on those gathered here at this hour in Yongsan Borough. We stand in this emblematic location, under Your protection and care. I sincerely pray that we may use each second to be of some support in the spheres of activity based on ideology and that bonds will be created with all existing beings in the world that can be of help with this work.

May this temple firmly defend its position as the center without any shortcomings as the garden of the Lord, which is growing in this location and as an emblematic temple of Seoul, the subject partner, of Gyeong-gi Province centered on Seoul, and of all the boroughs of this city.

Let it serve as an ecumenical foundation and become the temple embodying the original essence of Your exemplary love that governs beyond all people and the universe. Let it be the lamplight in the garden of the hearts of all people; let it serve as the original standard and become a foundation upon which we can advance toward a world where all things come to pass as intended—a world united under Your dominion.

Your children who are gathered here for this occasion and the children of all nations of the world are participating together, beyond national borders, with one heart. May You be the center of this occasion. Please allow this to become the overseeing temple that can govern and rule with the central authority as the single central parent body of all nations without favoring one over another.

On this busy morning, Father, let this place shine brightly as the flower garden of Your temple that can be dedicated by the people gathered here and within a united realm that receives the cooperation of the spirit people active in the world of faith that transcends all races, and who eyes are riveted on this place. I sincerely pray and wish that You guide this hour. Let Your abundant grace shower upon this group and their families, who offer their hearts and devotion and pray with all their hearts to remember this day. I pray for Your authority of protection that can allow this grace to spread to their surroundings and the entire world. I pray that all the proceedings after this hour can be under Your care and guidance. All this I sincerely, report and proclaim before the Father in the name of the True Parents. Aju! Aju! Aju!

Let us advance toward a world of peace.

Mother’s Prayer

We are sincerely, sincerely grateful that You have permitted us to dedicate this holy temple in Yongsan Borough, Seoul, where we may attend You in a precious and exalted manner for the first time. 

We thank You that You have made this dedication ceremony so that this holy temple can shine brightly throughout the world as a place where our Jeong Seong and the hearts of all members can be gathered to form a foundation on which the entire country and the entire world, all humanity, will be able to recognize that the true owner is working His will substantially. May all who come and go here feel the boundless yearning and love of the Father in Heaven every time they look upon this temple of Unificationism. May Your special blessing be upon all Your children who work here. May all the world see that You live and that You are carrying out Your work directly? Thank You. Thank you, that You have given us this day. Heaven has endured so much as it walked a difficult path, being badgered and driven, working in the dark and without recognition. 

Now, a holy temple has been opened where we can boldly reveal You and attend You. Please give Your blessing so that Your blessing and grace may be revealed to the world. Thank You for all that has taken place today in this ceremony. We now offer this luncheon on this day of Jeongseong and ask that You partake of it first.

We thank You and report to You on the name of the True Parents. Aju.

Please Let Us Become Children Who Do Not Leave Behind Grief
Father! We will go. We will be proud. We will overcome. We will collapse embracing this will.
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