Please Let Us Become Abels Who Are Able To Make Cain Submit Voluntarily

While going forward until now with inexpressible matters in your heart, how very much you must have wanted to express those matters!

While going forward until now with inexpressible matters in your heart, how very much you must have wanted to express those matters! We have gone forward looking for the aspect of Abel with a humble attitude today also before you, our Father, who has endured and gone forward while hoping for the day to come in which we can raise glory with praise, and we can praise the victory together with all nations; therefore, please remember us.

We have come to know that the purpose of Abel is to attend to you alone with his entire mind, and his purpose is to restore his elder brother, Cain. We have come to know that what is needed for that is not awareness about oneself, but a new awareness about you, and a new awareness about the world.

Father, we know that you are an absolute being, and you are the center of the world. But we have come to know that unless Abel can make Cain submit, you cannot stand in a position at the center of the world. We have come to know the fact that it will not do unless Abel creates the motivation to be able to attend to you as the center of the world from a position of awareness. It is said that this is the starting point of restoration.

Father! Is the Unification Movement standing in an Abel-type position about these people? Now more than a consciousness centered on our movement, we must have a strong consciousness of living for you. More than a consciousness of living for our movement, we must have a strong consciousness of living for the nation. And we must know that when we can attend you and that nation in our minds, the fact that we can attend you and make Cain submit as well, that is the starting point of restoration.

When we look at the world dominated by Cain, oh Father, we see that the world has lost its way. Even America, which is standing as the spearhead of the democratic world, has lost its way. The advanced nations are in that situation, too.

Because of that, the world has run into a wall of disruption in which from the youth to those in their prime of life, to the elderly, people cannot find their center.

Here we must be able to make Cain submit voluntarily by having become subject partners of the new Abel-type belief.

Please allow us to realize that you are very happy when you see an Abeltype person who has a new world viewpoint, and when you come to know that this kind of environment is coming to this world. Please allow us to become one with this Abel.

The Cain world submits itself when our individual selves become one with you, and our families become one with you. Since we knew that, the Unification Movement has held up the word, "blessing," and has gone forward fighting until now in order to become the heavenly side by bonding individuals to you and by bonding families to you.

When these families become one with you, the satanic world can submit itself voluntarily, and when we go forth holding up a banner to build an Israel centered on these families the world can submit itself voluntarily.

Father! Since the environment that allows Cain to submit himself voluntarily is arriving right in front of us, it will not do for us to become disappointed here. We must become people who know the fact that we cannot make the world into one unless we, of course, awaken ourselves, and become people who can awaken the Cain world.

We must realize that this is the position of Abel. Please let those of us who know these kinds of facts know what the position is like where we can live together with you, what dignity Abel must have, and what authority Abel must seek.

We have humbly prayed all these things in the holy name of the True Parents.


Please Let A New Age Come, In Which We Are Able To Love Even Cain
Oh Father! Now please let us know clearly at what stage the responsibility is that we must fulfill through this people, and at what moment thecircumstances of the world and heaven and earth are, while going through this point.
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