Hyo-Jin Moon at the Cheon Il Guk Leaders Assembly 2007
Hyo-jin Nim was the first of four True Sons to speak to the participants of the Cheon Il Guk Leaders Assembly
President of the World Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles
Hyo-jin Nim was the first of four True Sons to speak to the participants of the Cheon Il Guk Leaders Assembly
In defining the concept of love in the Unification Church, we say that the family of True Parents is the textbook, the example, and the model.
Therefore we have to take this message seriously and do our absolute best to restore this nation to God.
We do have commonalities: we have basic emotions that we all understand and share, emotions that are innate within all of us.
I am truly hopeful for the future because Father is claiming the time for the second generation both spiritually and symbolically.
We are children of God. That is the perception taught through religion, the basis of this type of gathering.
This festival provides a beautiful, international forum of unity and harmony in which the youth of the world can demonstrate their hopes and dreams for the future
It was very unusual for me, but it was also very inspiring to see so many people at the rallies, and they sat through the whole speech.
We have learned, through Principle, the importance of God in making the creation and putting man at the center of that creation.
My topic today is filial piety. We understand the meaning of filial piety as the son or daughter’s devotion to their parents, and it is very significant in a life of faith.
We all understand Adam and Eve as the primary ancestors and as the symbol of mankind.
This is something that can make a difference in my life, in the lives of all the church members, and in the future of the world.