4 min read

Grand Cheonbo Festival celebrating the Centenary of True Father and the 60th Anniversary of the Holy Wedding of True Parents

I have mentioned this on many occasions, but the lives we are living here on earth, and our environment will become the environment we live in, in heaven, the eternal world.

Hak Ja Han Moon

Beloved families who have been inducted as Cheonbo, and leaders around the world. I am happy to meet you all again.

I have mentioned this on many occasions, but the lives we are living here on earth, and our environment will become the environment we live in, in heaven, the eternal world. Hence, we must achieve an environment in which people can live in unlimited freedom on earth.

That is why even our Creator looks at life on earth as important. Accordingly, He gave Adam and Eve, our first ancestors, a growth period, and hoped that they would grow to be perfect through absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience.

The most essential is absolute love and absolute purity. Only when we live a pure life without any blemish or stain can we live in complete freedom in the eternal world.?And this can only be accomplished on earth.

After True Father had ascended, who proclaimed Foundation Day? The True Mother, God’s only-begotten daughter, proclaimed the founding year of Cheon Il Guk. The gates to Cheon Il Guk, under Heaven’s governance, have been opened.

In that case, there need also to be people who are qualified as the citizens of Cheon Il Guk. This qualification is not obtained simply by receiving the Blessing. There is a period of growth; that is, a duty and responsibility.

Therefore, the status of a family will be determined by how much responsibility that family takes on, and how the family does in fulfilling it.

Hence, all blessed couples around the world, of course, need to fulfill their responsibility as tribal messiahs and become couples that are inducted as Cheonbo.

And they should not stop there but continue to advance for generations to come. As Cheonbo couples, how much have you expanded your domain here on earth during this time that True Mother, God’s only-begotten Daughter, has been with you? This will become your asset in the eternal world.

As you have already seen in the video, over seven years I visited even places people said I should not go. I did so because I know of Heavenly Parent’s dream and hope.

This is because True Parents must guide all of humanity, who are like orphans, to the Heavenly Parent. Through the Blessing, True Parents must open the door through which all people can stand as Heavenly Parent’s children.

In the Bible, we read that whatever you lose on earth will be lost in heaven. The earth plane is essential. Hence, to live lives without blemish or stain, you must become one with God’s only-begotten Daughter, the True Mother, and work toward the completion of the providence.

Please remember that this is the only way for you to stand in a position where you can receive Heavenly Parent’s congratulations and blessings.

From that perspective, I am not so young anymore. It is also True Parents’ mission to find and set up children through whom Heavenly Parent can freely work. That is why I said that it will be good if we can restore all 7.7 billion people in the world by 2027.

However, through the 7-year course, I became aware of the many barriers that need to be overcome. Hence, I am calling all families who have been inducted as Cheonbo, and all blessed families, to work with me in restoring at least one-third of humanity. It is my sincere hope that by 2027, at the 60th Heavenly Parent’s Day, you will all be able to report to Heavenly Parent: “Though our offering is insufficient, we did our very best.”

A time when we need a new system

Hence, we need restructuring and a new system for this. Yet, this nation, which is supposed to be Heavenly Parent’s homeland, is divided between the North and the South. During my speaking tours around the world, while conducting UPF activities, I could meet many heads of state.

The leaders expressed that UPF can save their countries and that it surpasses the UN. As they recognize the great work of this organization, founded by the True Parents, many countries want to work with UPF and True Parents’ Blessing Movement.

However, the reality of this country is like that of a frog in a well that cannot see the world. That is why I formed the 5 subregions, appointed the subregional leaders as its commanders-in-chief, and directed that they work for national restoration.

There isn’t much time left, and yet, we haven’t seen so much result. We need to inspire people in the government. However, the most important are the citizens. In other words, our witnessing has been weak. The established powers of this country are on the decline.

You, on the contrary, have the full support and backing of Heavenly Parent and True Parents. What is there for you to fear? Will you abandon this country and people, whom Heaven originally wanted to bless, to simply become a people that has failed to fulfill their responsibility?

Is it just the people in charge who must fulfill their responsibility?

All citizens spread throughout this nation need to attend True Parents under the umbrella of the Heavenly Parent’s Holy Community. Only when we become such a people can there be a genuinely unified Korea. 

True Mother’s Message at the Southeast Europe Peace Summit in Tirana, Albania
He then gave them a responsibility. Human beings were meant to grow to maturity and receive God’s Blessing.