Please Let Us Feel Keenly And Have Deep Experiences Of Heart

Father! We long for your voice which gave directions to us. Please let that touching voice that told us to head towards the greatest goodness once again move our minds at this time.

Father! We long for your voice which gave directions to us. Please let that touching voice that told us to head towards the greatest goodness once again move our minds at this time.

We long for the earnest appeal of our broken-hearted father who advised us to go the way of historical misfortune by going over the path of persecution, the path of suffering, the path of difficulties, and the mount of Golgotha, which the Lord left behind. Father: Please have mercy on us since we are bowing down our heads before the awesome grace of your having told us to resemble the internal character of our extraordinarily sublime Lord, after having gathered us together, your children who have grown up as we wished, have lived as we wished, and are as we wish.

We offer our thanks to you, our Father, who has called and gathered us, and has given the immeasurable grace of the blessing to us, your children, who are filled with sin, and who, even though we analyze our original natures or characters, have nothing to offer to you. Please let us experience and feel keenly and verify the broken-hearted situation and heart of our Father who earnestly asks only for faith and heart alone.

Father! We do not want to listen to the words of a person.

We have already heard many words and seen many people. We have related to many people, and we have visited inspiring places, but they have all passed by without having formed relationships with us. The inspiration passed by as inspiration; the people passed by as people; and we who are left are like historical orphans who are all alone. Because of that, we are hoping that a new spring breeze will come. How much you must be longing to be able to allow grace like that, Father! Please let us become people who gather before Your Holy Majesty with thirsting and eager minds and hearts that report truthfully. Father, we earnestly hope for and desire this.

What shall we say? Before speaking, please let us experience and feel keenly a deep inspiration that moves our minds without our even knowing it, and please let us be able to weep aloud and shed tears, and have our minds become overcome with grief without our knowing it. We know that such a state of mind does not occur unless heaven causes it, and we know that one experience is more valuable than millions of words.

Since we unworthy people have come before you, Father, please let us go back to having the minds of children. The people who say they have learned and know, how much do they know, and those who say themselves that they have something to be proud of, how much do they have that they can put forward in heaven? We know that they have nothing.

We know that more than excuses, the truth, and more than the truth, experiences of the heart are what will be collected after we die, and they are what will remain.

Therefore, please personally manifest yourself to us, your children, who must be the central figures of history.

We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Please Let Us Experience The Heart Of Jesus Christ
Father! Please let us come to understand the heart of Jesus who had to leave his beloved disciples behind, and, going the path of the cross, had to go to the eternal world.
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