We are living an exciting life. This is the time in which we can live with God again.
Do you have any idea how long God has been waiting for fallen mankind to come back to His bosom?
God has been waiting for 6,000 years. Think about it. The one who shed the most tears throughout history is God. The one who suffered most throughout human history is also God. In this special time, upon the victorious foundation of True Parents, the Completed Testament era is dawning.
What a precious time we are living in! We are reliving with God. How excited we should be! Our hearts are bursting with happiness and excitement. Because of such happiness and excitement, we cannot live our lives normally anymore.
We could not imagine a time like this in the early days of the Unification Church. Since I started speaking in America in May, I have given this speech over a hundred times. Yet, each time I deliver it, I feel joy and happiness and say, “Thank you, God.
Thank you, Father.” When I realize how God has been longing to see this time and how all mankind has been waiting for this special time, I cannot speak without tears.
Understand what indemnity means
Through studying the Divine Principle, you understand what indemnity means. Think about the indemnity course we have to walk and how difficult it is. Otherwise, it would not have taken 6,000 years for God to restore mankind. Can you imagine how difficult it is? Think about your life. Think about how difficult Jesus Christ’s indemnity course was; he was crucified on the cross.
However, because Christianity failed to receive the Father as the Messiah, he had to go all the way down to the bottom and start climbing by paying the proper indemnity in a teaching step. It is easy to say that; however, think how difficult Father’s forty-year public life has been.
As I mentioned in the speech, he was imprisoned six times for doing God’s work. I truly wish that you could understand even one percent of the real difficulty of Father’s suffering indemnity course.
The True Parents had their holy wedding in 1960. Those were the early days of our movement. Right after the holy wedding, I had a vision in which I saw myself walking a very difficult course.
With one child beside me, holding my hand, and one child on my back, I was walking without knowing where to go. It was dark. There was no heaven, and there was no earth. In that pitch-black place, I had to continue walking. After a while, I saw a steep mountain on the left and a deep cliff on the right.
There was only one small, rugged, difficult path, yet I had to walk on that path with one child on my back and another holding my hand. I continued walking and walking.
Finally, I saw a dark tunnel. I continued walking toward that light. Suddenly, upon leaving the tunnel, I saw a new world, so green and beautiful, ahead of me. Right in front of me, there was a newly plowed field with radish-brown dirt. The soil looked rich and good.
There was a stream coming out of the ground. Beyond that field, Father was standing, smiling and welcoming me. Father was so exuberant and happy to see me coming.
Finally, the two children and I joined Father. I looked back then, and down in the valley, I started seeing the faces of our Unification Church members, climbing the mountain, one after another, just as I had done. This revealed my seven-year indemnity course and the difficult course our members had to go through in the earlier days.
Father started from the servant-of-servant level, won all the victories, and finally proclaimed True Parents and the Completed Testament Age. This accomplishment did not come out of “now here.” Father made this victorious proclamation on the foundation of his suffering course. Father did not make a mistake, to begin with; it was fallen mankind who failed.
However, Father paid the indemnity on behalf of all mankind, beginning from the bottom level.
We are living in a dream time
Unification Church members, particularly older members, should not enter this special period with normal emotions. We should be so happy and exuberant that tears keep flowing from our eyes.
Such excitement, happiness, and joy should be filling our hearts and minds. I wonder how your feelings about this special time compare with the feelings of True Parents and senior couples. If you do not feel the same way we do, please keep trying to understand the significance of this time and feel its joy and happiness.
I will give you a secret for doing that. Please study this text every morning and every night. Do not just read this speech, but put your heart into it, and through prayer, try to understand the depth of the truth given to you by True Parents.
If you claim to be children of True Parents, you must be able to understand True Parents’ feelings, their times of sadness, and their times of joy. You have the privilege of living at the same time as True Parents, but if you do not understand True Parents’ heart, how distant you are from them.
As blessed couples, suppose there is one particular child who understands your heart and your difficulty and who comforts your agonizing heart. Your heart, love, and care will naturally go to that child more than to the others.
Don’t you agree?
True Parents are loving and fair. Therefore, it is up to you how much love you receive from True Parents. Your behavior, your activity, your effort, and your prayer determine how much love you receive from True Parents. Do you understand? [Yes.] Your heart should be so deep that when you say “Father” and “True Parents,” tears flow from your eyes. That is the type of golden heart you should have.
When you say “True Parents,” the words should not come from your brain, from your heart. Have you experienced that? That kind of state of mind should never change, 24 hours a day.
However, to be frank, in your daily life, your state of mind is constantly fluctuating, isn’t it?
You have been living centering upon your situation. Please understand that this is the last chance True Parents and God are giving you to lead a worthy life as their children. You are very fortunate because this is probably the only period in which God and True Parents are fully ready to work with you according to your standards and the conditions you set.
Do you know who feels the happiest because I am going around the world and giving this proclamation to all mankind?
God, the spirit world, and The Father are the happiest. You are supposed to feel the same way Father and God feel, but you are still far away. If you truly understood the precious value and significance of this proclamation and my speaking tour, you would not be able to keep your feet on the ground. You would not know whether you were up in the clouds or the water.

It is like a dream to experience such excitement and joy. You would be so inspired and so happy that you could not sit still but would go out and talk to people, eager to spread this truth to even one more person. That should be your state of mind. If you had such a heart, whomever you contacted would be attracted to you and would follow you.
Create your miracles
As I travel around the world, I have witnessed so many miracles. God has prepared so many good people for this special time. Many times, you do not even have to set a special condition because God prepares so many good people. All you have to do is just go and talk to them. Touch them, and they will come. This is the time for creating miracles everywhere.
What greater miracle is there than giving life to a person who is dying?
Australia is a big continent. You may think that my speech was successful in terms of mobilization, yet when we look objectively, it is a failure. All of you who are sitting here are very precious people. Your position here as a Unification Church member sitting in front of me is very precious.
Yet, you did not utilize your position, your power, or your privilege. Australia represents all of Oceania, yet you brought only several hundred people. Was that enough? Through today’s event, you are indebted to God.
If you receive one hundred percent of your power, strength, and wisdom from God, you should return more than that to God. However, today, you did not return to God even one-tenth of what you received from Him.
Suppose you go to the spirit world tomorrow.
What would you do?
People waited to receive the Lord of the Second Coming but passed into the spirit world before they had the opportunity. So many of those prophets, saints, and sages are waiting in the spirit world. Will they welcome you or criticize and condemn you? If you do not fulfill your responsibility in this physical world, you will be eternally miserable in the spirit world.
I have witnessed so many miracles. God is so supportive. Wherever I go, I bring sunshine. When I go to a humid and hot place, clouds come and cool it off. When I was in hot Africa, the weather was spring-like. These are twentieth-century miracles.
When I spoke in America in May, the Mississippi River was undergoing the biggest flood in fifty years. Many cities along the Mississippi were flooded for weeks. Des Moines, Iowa, was already flooded when we scheduled the speech there, two or three weeks in advance.
Many Korean regional directors in America opposed that location because they thought all the highways would be blocked and no one would be able to enter the city.
Father said, “Mother will do it.” Until the day before the speech, the highway into Des Moines was blocked, and all the hotels in the city were closed, lacking drinking water or electricity. No one went there. Everyone was desperate, but then a miracle happened.
The night before the speech, the hotel where I was supposed to speak reopened its auditorium and several lower floors. The hotel staff felt that if they reopened, people would start coming into the city.
By the time I arrived to give the speech, it was a bright, sunny day. Right after I left for the next city, it started pouring, and soon after, the entire region was closed again. This is just one example of the many miracles that have been taking place throughout this speaking tour.
Can you begin to feel how happy God is to see me creating this kind of miracle?
[Yes.] Now it is your tum to create miracles for the sake of the people of your country. You can do it. When you, as the children of True Parents, are united with them, try to attain the standard of True Parents, and do the same things as True Parents, you can perform such miracles all over your country.
As you probably heard, the True Children, from Ye Jin down to Young Jin, who is only fifteen years old, are traveling around America giving the same proclamation.
They are not speaking in hotel ballrooms but in established Christian churches. Presbyterian and Baptist ministers are inviting True Children to speak to their congregations. They speak in tears with the same kind of heart as I. Wherever True Children give this proclamation, the members of the host congregation and our members are inspired.
On my way from Bogotá to New Zealand, I had to change flights to Los Angeles. The Korean regional director in California, Rev. Sung San Lee, came out to the airport and received me. H
e reported that many religious leaders say, “We cannot control our children because they would rather not follow in our footsteps. Even though we are ministers, our children would rather not be ministers. They are going their own way.” Not just ministers but politicians and professors feel the same way. It is an agonizing feeling.
Christian leaders see Reverend Moon’s family through his children, who are united to follow in their parent’s footsteps. They consider Rev. Moon’s family to be an exemplary one, which every other American family should follow.
I have been giving these instructions to every nation I have visited. Different nations have had different results and different standards. For example, Australia has over a hundred members, while some countries have over a thousand members, and Brazil and Zaire have over 3,000 members. Yet, this is a special time, and every nation is on the same starting line of a marathon race. Now it is up to you.
If you do your absolute best, Australia will be the first nation to reach the finish line. If you take it easy and neglect your mission, then your nation will finish last. It is up to you. You have to do your absolute best to secure your victory. Therefore, would Australian members like to be the champion or the last? [Champion!]
Remember, however, not just Australia but every other country is on the starting line in the race to become the first. Are you confident of winning this race? [YES!] Your “yes” sounds strong enough to win. Say it again! [YES!] I see some possibility. Therefore, do your best.