24 min read


To block the spread of communism, True Parents promoted the growth of Victory Over Communism (VOC) activities worldwide.

North-South Unification and World Peace - True Parents Legacy
True Parents have offered their entire lives to end the kingdom of hell on earth and in heaven, which arose due to the Fall of our first ancestors, and to establish the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven.

The importance of Japan 

To block the spread of communism, True Parents promoted the growth of Victory Over Communism (VOC) activities worldwide. In particular, VOC activities in Japan brought great results. Korea and Japan have a special responsibility for the providence of restoration.

As the Adam and Eve nations, they have a duty and mission that are an inextricable part of their identity, beyond just their geopolitical relationship. From early on, True Parents protected Japan from the threat of communism and helped it fulfill this duty and mission.

Japanese students and youth engaged sacrificially in widespread VOC activities, achieving great victories in this area. 

1. How can Korea and Japan become one based on the Will? This is an important question. The Korean government has high expectations for the International Federation for Victory Over Communism in Japan.

What kind of effect will the 4th World Anti-Communist League (WACL) Convention, scheduled for September 1970, have on Japan? If we consider Korea's present situation, the period up to 1972 is very significant.

Therefore in the year 1970, we who know the Will must strengthen our foundation in preparation for that. In that sense, the 4th WACL Convention has an important mission. First, centering on me, we must establish internal unity. Then our Korean family and our Japanese family must establish external unity, becoming one. 

A common destiny lies ahead of us. To solve this problem, the internal power, which is turning to the right, must be stronger than the external power, which is turning to the left. We must offer 1,000 times, 10,000 times, more sincere effort.

Because our strength alone is inadequate to win over the many who oppose us, we must receive God's help. (031-113, 1970/05/01)

2. The time has passed when I can limit my area of concern to Korea alone. Now we must make world-level preparations. I am trying to carry the cross of hardship and persecution that the world has given me.

These days there is a great deal of concern over world affairs and the advance of the Communist Party. To solve these worldwide problems, we must go forward, take responsibility, and fight by spiritual means.

The one who is responsible for God's Will must go in a public direction based on the absolute standard. God has pointed us in a specific direction, and we must not vary from it in the slightest. 

Personal, individual feelings must not interfere. (016-301, 1966/07/31)

3. From Korea's standpoint, if Japan becomes a pro-communist country, Korea will not be able to survive. Caught in between powerful nations such as Russia, China, and Japan, Korea would not be able to sustain itself. Because of this, we are trying to establish Japan as the Eve nation.

The Adam nation of Korea is supporting the patriotic activities of IFVOC in Japan.

I have to stand in the position of having saved Japan. If Japan becomes an anti-communist nation, Korea will be able to survive. So this is to save Korea. The mission of the Eve nation is this great. (034-074, 1970/08/29)

4. Members of the Unification Church must critique thoroughly the materialistic view of history put forth by communism. Accordingly, if there is a general North-South election in Korea, you must contribute to society by using Unification teachings to bring about the defeat of North Korea.

If that happens, the foundation for restoring the world will be established. That is why we are so busy. It is the responsibility and mission of Unification Church members to identify and solve national problems. 

Currently, communism is at the center of grave problems in Japan and Asia. The ideology of communism came from Russia, but they have laborers and farmers in Japan who are spreading their activities.

They are moving very systematically. For the politicians who want to govern Japan in the future, the problem will be how to fight the communists. Now Japan needs time to empower itself in terms of thought. It must begin

the process of philosophical renewal at this time. (016-068, 1965/12/26)

5. We must fulfill our responsibility and seize the initiative from the Communist Party, and thus cause the leaders of Japan to yearn to be like us. As we have done in Korea, we hurriedly must publish a book that critiques and overcomes the ideology of communism.

We have to disseminate it in schools and present lectures about it. This will inculcate Japan with strong anti-communist sentiment. We cannot just engage in anti-communist propaganda; we have to produce serious, critical, scholarly literature.

We need to grow in number, and we need the public to welcome us. The communists will stop at nothing to realize their ideals. They are willing to use violence. That is why the public does not welcome them. But we are different. Our strategy from its inception has been different.

Communists lose 90 percent of their followers due to disillusionment. But for us, once we believe, our faith becomes stronger and stronger. This is the difference between us and communism. (1967/06/08) 

6. We launched the International Federation for Victory Over Communism in Japan in April 1968. I gathered the Japanese leaders and told them, “We must begin anti-communist, Victory Over Communism activities here in this free land of Japan.” Not one of them welcomed this idea.

They opposed my plan, saying, “Father, you surely do not understand how strong the foothold of communism is in Japan, and how brutally and intensely they fight.”

So explaining all the historical background I could, I tried to persuade them, saying, “Are you unwilling to do this work, even though this is your destiny?” I empowered everyone with the VOC ideology.

I empowered them with understanding so that they would be able to give VOC lectures, and sent them into the streets. I said they must go out to the front line in the place where communists swarm. 

In like manner, I sent you to Chosun University in Japan, which is funded by North Korea. I did not send men; rather I empowered brave Japanese women with understanding, telling you the following, “For three and a half years, risking your lives, you must give VOC lectures in front of Chosun University!

The road you are going leads to the crossroads of death! Determine yourselves!” There are many testimonies there.

Chosun University intended to put pressure on you through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. However, you fought persistently, risking your lives. You pushed the fight with the communists forward to Tokyo Station and up and down well-known streets throughout the country. (109-232, 1980/11/01) 

7. The IFVOC in Japan is battling the Communist Party. Our members lecture in front of Chosun University as if to say, “Go ahead and try to kill me,” knowing that many students are members of the pro-Pyongyang Federation of Korean Residents in Japan.

These students try to interfere, sometimes grabbing us and dragging us away. Perhaps the onlookers just laugh when they see this, but it is a big problem. Other times, they come at us all at once, many against one, force us to the ground, and hold us down. But when this takes place continually for about a week, people who feel bad for our sisters inevitably come forward.

In this way, as a few people who feel this way begin to come out, internal discord arises in the pro-North group. Some begin to say that when they think about it, there is nothing logically wrong with what we are saying, there is nothing wrong with our actions, and there is nothing morally incorrect about what we are doing. Thus, they begin to feel that their deeds contradict their words.

When this happens, their conscience is restored. They begin to realize that they have sacrificed their conscience to the Communist Party. We have numerous such indirect strategies that will bring them to the point of collapse. This is the kind of work we are engaged in at this time. (028-138, 1970/01/04)

8. We are engaged in VOC activities in Japan. But within the last 50 years, communism has gained significant influence over almost half of the countries around the world.

Communism is influencing even American society. To watch us, a little group of people, holding up a banner with the title, “Victory Over Communism,” and going up against a global power like communism, most people would say that we are naive and know little about the world.

But they are mistaken. I am told we held a national VOC rally in Hibiya Park in Tokyo on October 7, 1969, and more than 5,000 people welcomed and applauded us. 

Until now, the communists firmly believed that Japan would turn Red according to their plans. That is why they have been working day and night to make this so. Our little Unification group, in revolt against them, has become a problem for the Communist Party and the Japanese government.

We have forced the entire nation to examine itself from a new perspective and reevaluate the direction it is going. Our activities, limited though they were, have had a ripple effect in Japan and have gone on to reverberate throughout all of Asia. (025-308, 1969/10/12) 

9. The World Anti-Communist League Convention held in Japan on September 15, 1970, was a giant event that made history. It grabbed public attention. It had a national impact. Because of this, the Communist Party began to fear the activities of the Unification Church.

They could not help but worry about what and who was behind all of those activities. When they begin to worry that their line of defense is under siege, they will prepare a second line of defense and a third line of defense.
(035-027, 1970/09/27) 

10. While I am an anti-communist, I am also a proponent of Victory Over Communism. I created the International Federation for Victory Over Communism in Korea and went on to educate well over seven million people about the VOC ideology.

This is what I did. I ordered all of it to happen. Currently, the IFVOC in Japan is the only hope for the people who are proponents of freedom and democracy there. 

Japanese leaders at all levels are asking for our help, declaring with one voice that the IFVOC is the hope of Japan. 

I did this. I told the IFVOC, “Hold a televised public debate with the communists.” I asked them to hold a debate before the public on radio, television, and media. I wanted the public to discern which ideology is correct, ours or that of the Communist Party. The Communist Party turned us down.

They went so far as to forbid, on a national level, anyone in the Party from debating with anyone from the IFVOC. They were admitting defeat. (1976/10/10) 

Expansion in Japan 

The activities of leftwing student political activists and the students of the pro-Pyongyang Federation of Korean Residents in Japan endangered Japan by promoting communism.

Therefore, the corresponding activities of the International Federation for Victory Over Communism have significant providential meaning. Through street campaigns and the distribution of printed material, IFVOC members warned the public not to be seduced by deceitful communist propaganda.

We demanded time and time again that the Communist Party of Japan publicly debate us on the subject of Marxism. 

11. We participated in the front line of a revolution. Being on the front line of a revolution requires more than going on a long march. It may require you to put your life on the line, and it may last for generations. 

The enemy we will face on the front line in the future will be fiercer than the one we are fighting now. 

We have to redouble our resolve to counter that fierce drumbeat, but if we allow our resolve to decrease, then our defeat will not come as a surprise. So the first siege is within ourselves. This is the situation in which we find ourselves fighting. 

All of our VOC activities in Japan were reported by Akahata, the Japanese Communist Party newspaper, and thereby effectively broadcast to all the communist nations around the world. This newspaper is also sent to the Soviet Union, and even to China.

So the activities of the Unification Church are better known in the communist world than in the democratic world. We have made a critique and counterproposal to the Communist Party from a new angle. After being caught by our criticism, the time will come when they will have to explain themselves. (025-310, 1969/10/12)

12. I discovered that the Soviet empire had installed a headquarters in every country in all six continents for propagating communist ideology. They had involved news outlets and well-known politicians going back as far as the Second World War. I created an investigative team and spent millions of dollars to expose this fact.

Because the Asian headquarters of the Communists is in Japan, they held a meeting there and the Japanese Communist Party newspaper, Akahata, played a leading role. Because my ideology foresees defeating communism without even laying a hand on it, they held this meeting in 27 countries to defend themselves against it.

But they could not find a way around it. I am not a paper tiger. Our thought is based on the right reasoning, so no ideological structure can stand against it. 

Since they were trying to find a solution where there was none, it must have been nightmarish for them. So they resorted to confusing people with distractions. First, they portrayed us as a problem before the Japanese Diet.

Then they began to hold anti-Unification Church meetings in places like Tokyo University and the University of California at Berkeley. However, even in these public meetings, my strategy caused them to surrender. (606-228, 2009/01/13) 

13. The Japanese Communist Party, utilizing its newspaper Akahata, wrote a series of articles that tried to dig up dirt on the Unification Church and the IFVOC. They used various other methods as well to attack us. However, they cannot crush our work with such attacks.

If we are attacked, our work grows bigger than the opposition we receive, and the public pays attention not to the attacks, but to our activities. The public is concluding that Akahata wrote those articles because they were afraid of the IFVOC.

Eminent figures within Japanese society believe that within only 10 or 20 years, the Unification Church and the IFVOC will wield enormous influence in Japan, taking responsibility and leading in all areas. (062-273, 1972/09/26) 

14. The Japanese Communist Party says that the International Federation for Victory Over Communism and the Unification Church are like cancer destroying their efforts to make Japan a communist state. 

They stated that our VOC activities in Japan were an issue for the Communist Party worldwide. In December 1974, they held a meeting of top intellectuals and scholars from 12 communist nations to discuss how to defeat the anti-communist ideology of the IFVOC.

I heard a report in which they said the teaching of the Unification Church has such a deep religious base that they would not be able to touch it, so they retreated from the task. They could only conclude that our teaching is a dangerous and fearsome 

thing that they cannot defeat. So the Japanese Communist Party declared, “Do not meet with Unification Church members. Do not meet with, debate with, or fight with VOC activists. To meet them is to our disadvantage. What we need to do is to gain victory through creating confusion and violence.” (086-148, 1976/03/21) 

15. In Japan, through the Victory Over Communism movement, we will mobilize all of our members to begin massive activities during the day. Moreover, during the evenings, we will host revival meetings nationwide.

A national team will move in a circuit and hold revival meetings to improve members' knowledge of the Principle, thus enhancing their faith. I also directed that members be stationed in key locations around the country to give lectures. 

Through the Asian People's Anti-Communist League, we can connect to Chinese people and Koreans living in Japan. By having foreign students who live in Japan attend our gatherings, we can establish a foundation for the IFVOC.

In particular, because foreign students return to their home countries after graduation, I plan to educate them in Japan and connect the rest of Asia to our base through them. If we hold such rallies one, two, and three times, I think that we will be able to build that base.

We must do this work, which the Korean and Japanese governments cannot do. (042-153, 1971/03/01)

16. I gave instructions to the IFVOC to educate the police and middle and high school teachers in Japan. 

We are planning to start with middle and high school teachers. This is the way we are doing it in Korea as well. We educated more than 3,000 middle and high school principals there.

Chongryon (pro-North Korea) has about 200 schools in Japan, while Mindan (pro-South Korea) has less than 10. Therefore, going forward, we must build a foundation upon which Japan's middle schools and high schools can actively support the IFVOC. We also have to provide ideological education for the Korean Residents Association in Japan.

Once that foundation is built, we need to create relationships with embassies and build a foundation for Asia. The Chongryon group in Japan is searching for ideological leaders among their Korean university students.

We must achieve results faster than they do. We do not have time to build a school as they have done, so we are using this emergency strategy.
(062-328, 1972/09/26)

17. When I visited Japan in 1965, I had to meet with a very high-level person. I told him strongly, “If you continue with your lukewarm attitude, eventually, you will not be able to withstand the communists.”

The Communist Party was already preparing for a revolution to take place in 1970, focusing on universities. Though they control certain labor unions and put them at the center of their organization, they are focusing their efforts on university students.

Now they are making plans and testing the waters on campuses in preparation for the 1970s. As a result, the Japanese government is facing a time-sensitive situation. 

Amid these circumstances, the Unification Church has appeared, shouting for victory over communism at the vanguard of the anti-communist cause. It has only been a year since we announced our VOC movement. Our young men and women have worked hard since then.

As a result, officials at the district offices of the Liberal Democratic Party acknowledge that they must rely on CARP to lead the anticommunism charge. (022-223, 1969/05/02) 

18. The Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP), associated with the Unification Church, is registered at 56 universities in Japan.

Students in master's and doctoral programs have begun to study the Unification Principle. Meanwhile, communist students and the Unification Church's CARP students are at war.

During this struggle, there was an event where all the communist students switched sides and joined the Unification Church.

What happened was that one of the underground teams that had been carefully planted by the communists to strengthen their activities came over to the Unification Church.

This was a problem for them, so their agents came to the church and gathered intelligence about our members. They also launched demonstrations against us and tried to cause an uproar.

Thus, our CARP meetings became a problem at Tokyo University, Kyoto University, Tohoku University, and other campuses. Every time CARP held a meeting, a giant uproar broke out. (016-069, 1965/12/26)

19. I brought 120 Tokyo University graduate students to San Francisco to be educated. The Japanese government cannot protect Japan against communism. Because the Unification Church understands this, it must take responsibility. That is why I initiated this work.

They thought that it was too late to begin this work, but I said to try anyway. When something is not working, you have to put your life on the line to try to make it work. The communists opposed us fiercely, and all sorts of things happened along the way.

That is why the president of Tokyo University and our church president entered into negotiations. They saw each other daily to negotiate and became friends. For the most part, the students had signed up for the education based on sincere interests.

So these Tokyo University graduate students had no intention of withdrawing from the program. The graduate students ranged in age from 25 to 40 years old. They were intellectuals in their own right, capable of deciding for themselves. In the end, they all went ahead and participated. (067-311, 1973/07/22) 

20. I went to Japan and told the Piet members who supported me, “Gather Korean, Taiwanese, and Japanese politicians, and have a VOC seminar.” They did exactly that, with great success. We are doing work that even nations cannot do. We have a track record for this.

Therefore, the Japanese government says they cannot do without the IFVOC, the Korean government says the same, as does the Taiwanese government. So they are competing for our involvement.

Japan is holding on to us as mediators with Korea and Taiwan. Korea is holding on to us as mediators with Taiwan and Japan, and Taiwan is holding on to us as mediators with Japan and Korea. (069-286, 1974/01/01)

21. Now the question is how to connect the free world, centering on Korea, Japan, and America. We cannot limit ourselves to mere talk.

The issue is how to connect them. To tie these countries together, we began a sisterhood movement between the Korean and Japanese members of the IFVOC. 

Recently, I instructed the wives of our Japanese church leaders. Of course, male leaders are all aware of this work, but the women need to support them. I told them, “We have to begin a movement to build an alliance between the wives of the seven and a half million IFVOC members in Japan, and the wives of the seven million IFVOC members in Korea.

No matter what, we in Korea must create solidarity with these Japanese wives. We have to quickly build cooperation among families.”

We must create an organization in Japan and Korea that can follow the direction of God's providence, no matter how much opposition there is in Japan. If we do not do this, we cannot bring America into the fold. (135-248, 1985/12/12)

22. Japan will continue to play a pivotal role in setting Asian policy. Currently, we are at the beginning of an economic war. But no matter what, you cannot influence Asia if you disregard Japan. Currently, America is maintaining friendly relations with China.

However, there is a big difference in their cultures, and China can't connect to American culture. Thus, regardless of what America does, she must use Japan as a liaison. 

Before this happens, Korea must quickly develop the basis to connect itself to the world. This is the only way for Korea to survive. If I connect the seven million VOC families living in Korea to the families of American ministers, then we can connect naturally to the growing realm of Christian influence.

This happens more on the levels of society and family than that of the nation. When our VOC members can expand the family foundation to the point where they can move nations, Korea, Japan, and America will be able to fulfill their mission in the new global providential history. (135-248, 1985/12/12) 

Chongryon and Mindan 

Geopolitically, Korea's fate is tied to China, North Korea and Japan. That is why True Parents said that if Japan becomes communist, then Korea will be in danger.

That is also why True Parents strengthened the effort to educate the pro-Pyongyang Federation of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) with Victory Over Communism thought. This is also why True Parents placed Koreans residing in Japan at interests in the forefront of the movement to unify North and South Korea.  

To, do this, on May 1, 1972, Father established an IFVOC headquarters for Koreans resident in Japan.

He stressed upon sincere the unity of Korean residents living in Japan Before to unification of Korea itself, and he invited the Chongryon members to visit South Korea in September 1975 as part of the Chuseok Family Grave Visitation group.

They had not visited their homeland since the liberation of Korea, and they had a truly moving reunion with friends and family. We held several of these events, and this opened the eyes of the Chongryon members to the fact that North Korea's propaganda had deceived them about South Korea.  

23. I planned to set up the International Federation for Victory Over Communism in 1965, centered on the pro-Seoul Korean Residents Association in Japan (Mindan).

However, seven years were lost before the IFVOC headquarters for Korean residents living in Japan was organized. Before that, there was no way forward for Mindan. The public was aware that they would make no progress without our VOC thought. 

There was no South Korean group strong enough to go up against the three communist groups, namely Chongryon, the Communist Party of Japan, and the Communist Party of China. 

The South Korean ambassador to Japan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Japanese intelligence services were no match in any respect for the communists.

Whether they liked it or not, Mindan had to utilize the Unification Church foundation.

The Unification Church founded the IFVOC, which not only had a philosophy that could repudiate the ideology of Chongryon but had a foundation of people who could stand up to the Communist Party, which worked in unison with Chongryon. (068-177, 1973/07/29)

24. The International Federation for Victory Over Communism in Japan does not represent Japanese nationalism. This organization comprises people who respect Korea even more so than those who live on the Korean Peninsula. These people thoroughly understand my heart and strategy. 

This is the fourth year of our efforts to revoke the accreditation of Chosun University in Japan, which belongs to Chongryon. This effort began in 1968. So the Chongryon group is furious. At first, they did not take us seriously. They thought they could blow us off with a quick breath. They were mistaken. 

We continue to broaden our base, and in a short time, we will catch up to Chongryon. Let's see where we are in three years. I have prepared to deal with this, including outreach to the pro-Seoul Korean Residents Association in Japan (Mindan).

Now the government is criticizing the Unification Church for reaching out to Mindan. We are suffering all sorts of indignities while engaging in this work.
(056-108, 1972/05/14) 

25. From the latter half of 1970, North Korea has been exploring various ways to unify North and South Korea, focusing on the July 4 South-North Korea Joint Communiqué.

Since the ceasefire divided the country, North Koreans have been living with their ideological system, but this ideology will not work in South Korea.

North Korea is figuring out a way to unify North and South by working through Japan. They are working with Chongryon to try to absorb Mindan and the Korean National Council, which belongs to Mindan, into their organization.

If this happens they will be part of Chongryon in name and reality, and the Communists will proclaim to the world that they were the ones to unite these groups.

If Chongryon does indeed absorb Mindan, then, because it is surrounded by communist states, the Japanese government will have to rethink how to deal with communism. If and when that happens, it will directly affect Korea. 

To prevent this, I sent people to Japan to breathe new life into Mindan. If Chongryon manages to absorb Mindan, high-level government officials in Japan will be forced to cooperate with North Korea, and Japan will gravitate toward the North.

If this happens, communist states and the threats these states bring will dominate Asia. The Communist Party of Japan will liquidate everyone, including the members of the Unification Church.

Because it threatens Korea, I am undergoing indescribable hardship to block this, struggling in the background alone. Now we must renew Mindan and educate them through our organization.

They can be an affiliate of the International Federation for Victory Over Communism and build its network nationwide. (062-326, 1972/09/26) 

26. Mindan is falling apart under pressure from the pro-Pyongyang Chongryon. Not only that but the Korean National Council has already been torn apart. In 1965, I told their leaders that this surely would happen and that to prevent this they needed to unite with the International Federation for Victory Over Communism to set up a line of defense.

They rolled their eyes at me. Yet in precisely seven years, Mindan has fallen apart. The embassy gave up on them, and Mindan even gave up on itself. Only now do they ask for help from the IFVOC. I said, “Great! The Unification Church will take up the fight!”

But I told them that those who do not carry this fight forward effectively could end up buried among the graves of traitors. I said, “Let us choose our battles carefully.

All the leaders of Mindan must welcome us, and the embassy must authorize this work.” This is the risk we are taking as we rally Mindan and straighten out their attitude. (064-249, 1972/11/12) 

27. In Japan, I went to the Korean embassy and Mindan, showed them the results of our anti-communist lectures in South Korea, and strongly suggested that the Koreans living in Japan attend anti-communism lectures as well.

The embassy took a self-important position, stating that they represented the entire country of Korea, and Mindan barely responded at all, saying that they represented the Koreans living in Japan and that they were so powerful that even their second-level leaders could brush off ministers of the Korean cabinet.

Nonetheless, Heaven sent one of our Korean regional directors to deal with this. First, he spoke to some 450 women representing the 47 Japanese regions. He only spoke for 20 minutes but received as many as 12 standing ovations.

The organizer of that event, as well as the leader of Mindan, who was there, said they were both shocked and deeply moved. 

This event allowed us to begin our work in earnest. We were able to go to Mindan every day and plan for a series of anti-communism lectures. We said that while it is important to hear from former North Korean spies or people who were repatriated to North Korea but came back and exposed what is happening there, these speakers wield a temporary effect.

And even if they talk about Kim Il-sung doing such and such, and the situation in North Korea being a certain way, because the situation is so different from life in Japan it is difficult to believe or understand it. I told them we would not succeed with an old-school anti-communist approach.

I explained to them explicitly that we needed to give candid lectures that would fundamentally expose and uproot communism itself, by explaining what communism is ideologically, why it is bad, and why, as a result, historically, it is destined to fail. (018-287, 1967/08/10)

28. From 1974 to 1975, I tried with all my strength to fulfill my responsibility to the Republic of Korea. I knew that in the end, the vanquished would drink a bitter cup of sorrow. I put forth all of my heart and effort.

The Korean people do not know the bloody battles I fought while their country's diplomatic relations with Japan were under attack. I knew that if we did not stop communism in Japan, there would be no way for Korea to survive.

Therefore, I gathered 600 young people and educated them about the problem posed by the pro-North Korean residents group (Chongryon). That was how we began the movement to return to the homeland to visit our ancestors' graves. (083-091, 1976/02/05)

29. If Chongryon and Mindan do not unite, Japan will not be able to stand as the Eve nation. They must welcome me enthusiastically and become one with me.

Then Korea, the Adam nation, and Japan, the Eve nation, will be one. In addition, by these two groups uniting, South and North Korea will unify naturally and the false parents from North Korea will conditionally go under the True Parents from South Korea. 

When Eve naturally embraces this and carries it as a tradition to the Korean Peninsula, the realm of unity between Korea and Japan will arise. This is the providential viewpoint. (228-234, 1992/04/03)

30. For Japan, the Eve nation, to fulfill its mission, she must externally and internally assimilate Cain and Abel. Japan has to embrace Chongryon and Mindan, which are Cain and Abel, within 40 years. 

Chongryon only gives Japan headaches. These two groups must unite. This is a serious problem. Having me unite Chongryon and Mindan may put the Japanese government in an awkward position.

Therefore, Japan must be the one to unite them, not me. We set the standard spiritually, and only God knows how we have walked this path of restoration.

The secret of the physical standard is known only to me. God set the standard spiritually, and I set the standard physically, so it is only the two of us who know.

To begin, Japan must unite Chongryon and Mindan. If this does not happen, then Japan cannot settle in Asia. (237-211, 1992/11/17) 

31. Chongryon and Mindan, both of which belong to the Eve nation of Japan, are in the position of Cain and Abel, Esau and Jacob, or Zerah and Perez. Two factions are fighting within Eve's womb.

This is necessary for the country to become the Eve nation. However, Japan is encouraging the fight. If this continues, Japan will relinquish her mission as the Eve nation to someone else. That is why the Unification Church members are working to unite these two. 

How do we unite them? We must become one based on the Yu Gwan-sun tradition. I began this work before 1990. To unite them, the Unification Church in Japan and the women of Japan must be bound together.

This is why I linked the wives of externally influential individuals, the wives of Diet members, and the wives of professors, to the Women's Federation for World Peace in Asia. All the important people who have a relationship with True Parents were included. They are high-level women. 

These women and the Unification Church represent Cain and Abel. Mother needs this foundation of Cain-Abel cooperation too to stand. Even Mother cannot do without Cain and Abel. For this, Chongryon and Mindan, which are symbolically within Eve's womb, must unite.

If Japan can unite these two organizations, since the president of each of these organizations resides in Japan, the energy needed for the unification of South and North Korea will spring forth. (229-314, 1992/04/13)

32. The situation in which the twins Zerah and Perez fought within Tamar's womb must repeat itself in Japan. Today's twins are the Chongryon group, which aligns itself with North Korea, and Mindan, which aligns itself with South Korea. Japan must handle this, yet cannot do so alone.

Japan must unite with me. Japan must unite these two organizations that represent one nation, just as Zerah and Perez did when they were in Tamar's womb. 

Japan is in part responsible for the division of the Korean Peninsula into North and South. Therefore, Japan should be able to get to the origin of the situation and exert its influence. So I will unite the left and right wings and return to the position of the Bridegroom.

When I return to Korea, I must even turn Kim Il-sung around. The left and right wings are two sons. After the restoration of the authority of the elder son, to restore the authority of parents, I must even change Kim Il-sung's direction.

If the realm of unification arrives on the Korean Peninsula, then Western civilization and Asian civilization, and the left and the right, will be united.
(228-233, 1992/04/03) 

CAUSA was founded through these initial efforts and stood at the forefront of halting the communization of South America.