Please Let Us Become A Movement That Settles The Debts Of The Past

We are people who should repay our debts while representing the love of the eternal God

Father! We did not know that we are living lives that are creating debts to the world of creation while living in the fallen world and that we are in the position of people who are indebted to each other even among the couples in the family.

We did not know that we are in the position of indebted people about our parents, also, and we did not know that we are greatly indebted to you, the eternal God, as well.

Even if we look at it from the viewpoint of the fallen world, we are indebted people who rightly deserve to die; we are indebted to the things of creation, and we have been indebted people also to Jesus Christ who established the concept of the bride and the bridegroom.

We are people who should repay our debts while representing the love of the eternal God, but without knowing that we should repay those debts, we worried and lamented centered on ourselves alone, we were people who cursed the earth, who cursed the things of creation, and who cursed heaven. To reestablish these kinds of human beings, Jesus struggled without minding even the way of death, and he was crucified on the cross. Because of that, the struggle of two thousand years to repay the debt formed about heavenly morality has still not been resolved, and the word "judgment" came to remain.

Please allow us to be able to settle all the debts made throughout history so that we may go over the peak of judgment. Please allow us to understand that we can stand before our eternal Father only if we become people who are more than able to repay all those debts.

We earnestly hope and desire that you still quickly lead us into lives through which we can repay our debt to the life that you desire, our debt to your love, by having cast off the conditions of the satans, as people who have repaid our debt to the True Parents, who have repaid our debt to the true couples, and who have repaid our debt to the true things of creation. Please allow the battle being fought in heaven with Satan to be brought to victory through us on earth, and please let the works being done in heaven be realized on earth. And we earnestly ask and desire that you will please allow us to become your eternal children who feel the love of our eternal Father as joy and glory.

And we earnestly request that you will establish us as your true sons and daughters who can take dominion with dignity over all the things of creation as your beloved children who are not ashamed about you, to Jesus and the Holy Spirit, to the many saints and sages, about all the people on the earth, and all the things of creation. We have prayed all these things in the name of the Lord.


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