Father! Now the final stop at the end of the century is approaching us. Now we know that this being called "I" does not have enough power to be able to solve things through just my destiny alone. Right before our eyes, we are looking straight at a decisive age where it will not do unless the way of victory of the individual passes through the people; the way of victory of the people passes through the world; the way of victory of the world passes through the victory of the cosmos and your victory.
We have come to think that in this age when a scene is approaching us where we will be panting and out of breath, if we do not stand in a position that can be one with the purpose we are looking towards, we will become pitiable people, a pitiable nation, and a pitiable world.
Therefore, we will have to long for you with loyal hearts, and it will not do unless we discover selves who are able to make serious efforts in order to go towards the final stop while believing in and attending to you.
We know the reality that the evil world and the good world are all tangled together. We know that it is the way of restoration that it will not do unless we, who were born as the descendants of evil people in an evil land, settle our accounts for having gone an evil way and enter into the way of goodness.
That way cannot help but be a way of suffering because there is no way to go around it. The way we are going, individuals are blocking the way, and families, nations, and the world are blocking the way, not only that, even the power of Satan, who has taken the spiritual sovereignty, is blocking the way we are going.
When we think about those realities, and the more we think about how very nearly impossible it is to go against this current throughout our whole lives, we come to realize that we have a duty and a responsibility that we will not do unless we overcome this way even by determining to die, while having offered all the devotion we have with our entire minds.
However high the peak that we must go over is, when we think that our ancestors were destroyed, and all the nations that came before us were not able to go over this peak and passed away, we know that it will not do unless we, who are running towards that peak, make the greatest determination that has ever been made in history!
Because of that we will have to love you with our entire mind, will, and devotion.
We will have to be crazy about you. We will have to become one with you. Because we know that at this almost impossible stage,e you are hoping for all the acts that are possible to occur, in reminding, ds we are looking forward to becoming sons and daughters who are dignified enough to receive your love and your praise and who can overcome and break through all this.
The position of looking forward to this in our minds may be easy, but when we think that to go beyond this reality, it will not do unless we conclude the final battle and we bring to a conclusion the final battle of life and death, the more we reflect on whether the mental attitudes that we must have are ready, and whether our bodies are armed, we find that we are inadequate, and we are like naked people.
Therefore, Father, please dress us in the armor of your strength and your power, and please unite our minds with yours. When we think about the fact that we cannot determine to overcome and to have victory without becoming substantial beings representing us, we must realize the fact that if we cannot do that, there will be no group as pitiful and miserable as we are.
We know that this is a position where victory and defeat cross each other because this is a position where we can cooperate the most with heaven because we have stood on the highest peak in front of Satan.
When we think about the fact that if we end up standing in the position of the loser, we become an enemy to heaven as well, we earnestly hope that you will let this become a time in which we realize the fact that each of us has a responsibility such that it will not do unless we go beyond the standard that you have believed, by absolutely bringing a result of victory, while knowing that we are in a position in which we must not lose.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents.
3 min read
Please Let Us Become People Who Bring The History Of The Evil Dominion To A Full Stop
Father! Now the final stop at the end of the century is approaching us.
Let Us Halt in Our Steps and Behold the One Who Is Protecting Us
People act to solve problems based on their hearts, and they build relationships based on that too.