Please Let Us Experience The Heart Of Jesus Christ

Father! Please let us come to understand the heart of Jesus who had to leave his beloved disciples behind, and, going the path of the cross, had to go to the eternal world.

Father! Please let us come to understand the heart of Jesus who had to leave his beloved disciples behind, and, going the path of the cross, had to go to the eternal world, and please allow us to be able to experience and feel keenly the heart of Jesus Christ who gathered his disciples together at his knees, and who was so concerned and had requested earnestly to his beloved disciples who had followed him while sharing his joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure for three years.

We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become beloved children who can humbly offer ourselves as sacrifices about the one Will, and while fathoming with our minds and experiencing and feeling keenly with our bodies, please let our minds, which can respond to him, penetrate heaven, and if his mind moves, please let us move together while moving the people of the earth.

Please allow us to be able to experience and feel keenly the heart of Jesus Christ, who in the situation of this bitter human world saw all the crowds who followed him fall away, and only the twelve apostles remained; but he could feel that even among them, before long, Judas would betray him. We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to experience and feel keenly today through our minds and bodies the heart of Jesus Christ when all that remained of his three-year course of public life, in which he had done many works and believed in the people, was this kind of lonely situation.

Father! Please let us experience and feel keenly today the aching heart of Jesus Christ who spoke back and forth with heaven while facing the path of the crucifixion. And we earnestly hope that you will establish us as children who are able to become object partners of comfort to his heart as living sacrifices who have bowed down before you, Father.

We have prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Please Allow Us To Possess The Justification Of Children And The Glory Of Children
Whether we look here or look there, we have come to understand that we have nothing to present before heaven and be proud about.
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