Establishing an Economic Foundation
Creating the environment to build God's kingdom requires us to reclaim the physical world for God.
God has been leading the providence of restoration to save fallen humanity. According to the Principle, God's providence of restoration is the providence of re-creation.
Latest Spiritual Messages
Creating the environment to build God's kingdom requires us to reclaim the physical world for God.
True Parents came to bring closure to all aspects of the providence.
In the first years of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, members raised money to finance their witnessing efforts by collecting and selling postmarked stamps
To build an economic foundation, True Parents established numerous companies at home and abroad.
True Parents warned that a minority of nations should not monopolize technology to dominate other countries.
When the Unification Church was just getting started, I began training young people to lead the marine industry that I was contemplating for the future.
This is one of many proclamations they made in America to realize aspects of their vision for the ocean.
Fishing was one way he expressed his single-minded dedication to save fallen humankind.
As a start toward this, True Father promoted a God-centered ocean tourism and leisure industry, especially for people who enjoy fishing.
True Parents especially invested in women from Japan, the providential nation in the mother position.
This boat is a highly-regarded fishing boat, officially recognized for its exceptional performance.
True Parents believe that transforming Las Vegas from a city of gambling and self-indulgence into a city of goodness in both image and substance would contribute to the restoration of the world.