Three Stages Of Creation
To live a perfect life, all people without exception must receive life through the blessing from True Parents in the three stages of rebirth, resurrection, and eternal life.
Sermons about Eternal Life
To live a perfect life, all people without exception must receive life through the blessing from True Parents in the three stages of rebirth, resurrection, and eternal life.
Ladies and gentlemen, two months ago, I celebrated my ninetieth birthday and took my first steps toward the hundredth year of my life.
It is because I know how the sorrowful history of humankind has been woven
A little over one month ago, I celebrated my 90th birthday and took my first steps toward the hundredth year of my life.
Father discussed the core of the Principle: through Hoon Dok Hae we must know the way of God and True Parents.
Announce to the world that the religious founders are united together in the spirit world. Satan surrendered, so the evil that is still going on is just the remnants that are left over.
Humanity is now facing the challenge of the Last Days. In this era, families the world over are breaking down.
When we raise the question of the purpose of life with ordinary people, no one seems to know the answer.
The oriental way of writing is always vertical, whereas the Western way is horizontal.
We are arriving at an important transitional era, entering a world of oneness that transcends the barriers of ideologies, the differences between languages and cultures, and racial conflicts.
When you go to the spirit world, will your ancestors come to you or not?