God Is Our True Parent, True Teacher, And True King
Humankind had no way of knowing that God, the Creator, and Owner of heaven and earth, is the True Parent of humankind.
Sermons about True Parents
Latest Spiritual Messages — page 15
Humankind had no way of knowing that God, the Creator, and Owner of heaven and earth, is the True Parent of humankind.
Above all else, humanity needs the grace of God, which is available to those who attend God as the eternal True Parent.
You will reflect on the past at the moment when you look back on your life.
When we are truly one with God there is no concept of myself. There is no possibility of self. The fall of man is rooted in the concept of "self".
Today, with the cooperation of the spirit world, you have all been called here urgently as key leaders who have the important role of building the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven.
At this moment, the bright sun of the fifth year of God’s Kingdom of Cheon Il Guk is causing flowers of life and love to bloom for all humankind and all things in the universe.
First and foremost, you should thoroughly rearrange your life. Begin by discovering the absolute realm of unity between your mind and body.
So many people in the world still do not know that they were born
Since the age has changed, your face must change, you must change your clothes, where you lived close to one another then you must be able to live apart.
During the past four years of the kingship of Cheon Il Guk, you were unable to practice filial piety toward True Parents, even after calling upon your ancestors in the spiritual world.
The fall of Adam and Eve, our first ancestors, imprisoned us within the dungeon of false love, false life, and false lineage.
This federation that I have founded does not aim at establishing another nation in the world.