The 60th Anniversary of True Parents’ Holy Wedding
Heavenly Parent had a dream and created heaven and earth and created these beautiful seasons for the sake of human beings.
Words on Cheon Il Guk, God's Kingdom of peace, righteousness, and the path to its realization on Earth. 🌏
Heavenly Parent had a dream and created heaven and earth and created these beautiful seasons for the sake of human beings.
Following the fall of Adam and Eve, God had to lead the undesired providence of salvation through indemnity, the history of the providence of restoration through indemnity.
God’s dream, True Parents’ dream, and humanity hopes to have one world centered on our Heavenly Parent!
Even though I have toured Europe and the United States, the external environment is becoming more difficult for humankind.
You who are gathered here today are the leaders of the Unification family.
You have come from more than 40 nations around the world, including Asia, the Americas, Europe, Africa, Oceania, and the Middle East.
God is love. When you look at human history, you must all already be aware that this fallen world began from Adam’s mistake.
You say that you follow the way of God’s will, but you have been weak in preparing for the future.
Our Heavenly Parent’s wish after the Creation was to become a parent.
Spring brings into mind the Earth blooming after being frozen throughout winter and the hearts of people cheering up after that gloomy season.
The creation of the environment is not something that can be done easily.
These men attended True Father's night and day during his lifetime.