10th Workshop on Journalism and Media, Sheraton National Hotel, Arlington
So, we have to deny the part of the world that cannot connect with God and create a new world connected with God.
Sermons about True Parents
Latest Spiritual Messages — page 17
So, we have to deny the part of the world that cannot connect with God and create a new world connected with God.
Have their ancestors testify to their descendants so that they can understand and obey my word and eventually take the place of loyal subjects.
Throughout human history, all people have talked a lot about God, or the Absolute Being.
Firstly, I am happy that we have been able to construct and dedicate Cheongshim Hospital to God and True Parents.
Following Heaven's will, I have offered my life over the years to investigate the difficult issues facing humanity and offer a plan for implementing fundamental solutions.
Following Heaven's will, I have offered my life over the years to investigate the difficult issues facing humanity and offer a plan for implementing fundamental solutions.
The course of the suffering of True Parents has included being criticized in every way, even as dictators, and yet they overcame this and all accusations
Respected peace-loving American dignitaries, ladies and gentlemen, I extend my warm greetings and gratitude to all of you for coming here this evening.
Before Father proclaimed the Realm of Life of the Unity and the Complete Settlement of the Parents of Heaven and Earth
Once we establish that position, then hundreds of millions will begin to move, worldwide, centered on God and the True Parents' tradition.
People do not know, that is the problem. That's why the children in society do not know this truth, so we have to educate them about abstinence and pure love.
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, brothers and sisters of my beloved motherland, and the seventy million people around the world who are watching this historic convention: I offer my sincere gratitude to all who are attending this meaningful “Rally for the