14 min read

The 1960s

Beginning in 1960, True Parents began to announce yearly mottoes that set the direction and goals of the year for all members of the Unification Church.

Expansion of the Providential Foundation and the Annual Mottoes - TP Legacy
The Holy Wedding of True Parents, held on April 11, 1960 (16th day of the 3rd lunar month), is the starting point of the new providential history.

Beginning in 1960, True Parents began to announce yearly mottoes that set the direction and goals of the year for all members of the Unification Church. During the 1960s, after the Holy Wedding, True Parents personally led the providence and set the direction for all Unificationists worldwide by walking their seven-year course. During this seven-year course, True Parents gave birth to True Children and conducted marriage Blessings for members. 

The annual mottoes during this time were to inspire members to give their all in their activities. 

In 1960, the motto was, “Let this be the year of the best result of our lives.” In 1961, it was, “Let us become Heavenly Father's representatives.” In 1962, it was, “Let us have something to show and be proud of.” From 1963 to 1967, it was, “Let us become victorious lords.” In 1968 and 1969, it was, “Let us charge forward with all our might.”

In particular, at 3:00 a.m. on January 1, 1968, True Father proclaimed God's Day. With this, he concluded his 21-year course and the members' first seven-year course, and he launched the second seven-year course. 

Let this be the year of the best result of our lives.

1. The motto for 1960 was “Let this be the year of the best result of our lives.” 1960 was the year when we restored vertical history through To, horizontally. Accordingly, we had to bring the greatest results in front of God. To obtain the greatest results, we had to increase our command over the environment before launching our restoration work. 

Externally, 1960 was the year when we removed Satan's accusation. In this period, we had to establish the True Father's status as Messiah on the levels of one person and the nation.

That year was a time when we received persecution from society. We were anxious for the time to come when we could freely convey God's Word. It was also the time when we had to take things back and make them God's.

“Let this be the year of the best result of our lives” means that we had to bring results and free ourselves from the condition of Satan's accusation.
(021-284, 1968/12/01) 

2. What is the meaning of “Let this be the year of the best result of our lives”?

Because human beings live in Satan's world, we have to establish a foundation of indemnity so that we can stand in the position of having separated from Satan's world. 

To be victorious, you have to reverse through indemnity all historical evil. In other words, you must restore the individual. That is the hope of humanity. You need to become sons and daughters of God by restoring yourselves as individuals, and you need to become children having the authority to judge Satan on God's behalf.
(019-131, 1968/01/01) 

3. At the beginning of 1960, I declared in front of you the motto, “Let this be the year of the best result of our lives.” It means, “In this one year, make the greatest achievement that you will not forget for the rest of your life.” 

Do you have money in your hands? Are you fighting to earn money for the sake of your happiness? If you have that kind of money, you must use it for the sake of the heavenly kingdom.

Have you been fighting until now to own a luxurious house? You must forget that kind of thing and instead strive to become people of the heavenly kingdom. You should have this serious determination. 

If everyone in today's world lived this way, world peace would be achieved. The Prince of Peace is the person who takes this road. He will establish peace. I am emphasizing to you that you need to embrace the 30 million Korean people who are crying out distressed.

I am emphasizing to you that you should become people who, shedding tears with your teeth clenched, cry out to Heavenly Father, saying, “If there is any place where people suffer abuse and are being cursed, I will go there.” This is the path I have walked.

Far more than you, my heart is desperate to do this. In other words, I am ready to do anything for the sake of heaven. (010-081, 1960/07/03) 

Let us become Heavenly Father's representatives 

4. The motto under which we should move forward during 1961 is, “Let us become Heavenly Father's representatives.” I hope that during this year, you truly experience that you are Heavenly Father's representatives. 

God created earth as the counterpart of heaven. He created the first human ancestors to become His substantial object partners, who can represent Him. God created human beings in His image after first creating all things as His symbolic images. If we look at all creation on a large scale, it is one entity.

If we look at it on a smaller scale, it is composed of beings that each represent God. To stand in the position of His representative, we must have the ability to give a clear explanation concerning the Center. In other words, if we say we represent God, we have to be able to explain, “What kind of being is God? What kind of relationship do I have with God?”

Please keep in mind that God and human beings were originally to be one body. God and human beings were meant to exist in an inseparable relationship as one body. If heaven is called the head of the body, we are the trunk of the body, and if heaven is called the trunk of the body, we are the limbs. We say that God cannot disconnect from us even if He wants to. (011-051, 1961/01/01)

5. We live in a world of confusion. If people in this chaotic world ask us what it is that they need to think about, we should answer, “You should understand the original central purpose for which God created human beings.” We need to be able to articulate a clear answer to this question. 

We are meant to become one with the Father. Heaven and earth are meant to be one. They are not two separate spheres, but one. We stand in front of one Center, and whether we live or die, we are destined to become one with it.

Moreover, given that this goal exists, if we are to achieve it, we have to share the same purpose, the same circumstances, the representative, and the same heart as the Father. Otherwise, we will not be able to accomplish it completely. 

God has the responsibility to lead fallen humanity to the garden of hope, where we can understand God's circumstances and unite with His heart.

Therefore, as we are in a position where we have to become one with God, we have the same purpose. There cannot be two. God's Will has to become my will, God's circumstances have to become my circumstances, and God's heart has to become my heart. 

Unless you can experience this and confidently say that you stand in that position, you cannot become God' becoming. 

Consequently, fallen people should pursue the goal of being one with God. To become one, you need to have the same hope and circumstances and ultimately attain a meeting point of heart. 

Otherwise, as fallen human beings, we will not be able to achieve unity with God. (011-055, 1961/01/01)

6. We Unificationists have been walking a difficult road, but we have not disappeared. The person who remains until the very end is the Father's representative. God is screaming until His throat hurts, saying, Go forth as My sons and daughters and be My representatives who live for the sake of the 30 million people of Korea.

God the Father wants to send His representatives, the children who receive the Father's love, to every place. He wants you to become people to, whom He can say, “You are My representatives, My sons, and daughters.” For this, you must become people who defeat Satan and receive God's true love. 

Your path is not one of sparkling grandeur; it is one on which you will have to die on behalf of God. You are His sons and daughters because you are in the position to traverse the path of death on behalf of our Heavenly Father. Having been placed on the path of death, you have to go out and fight. (011-239, 1961/10/29) 

Let us have something to show and be proud of 

7. The motto for 1962 is, “Let us have something to show and be proud of.” What I mean is that we should become people who can show something to God and have pride in doing that. To achieve this, arduous, we need to chase after the fleeing Satan to the end. 

Now, since God wants to show off individuals and families who are doing these things, we must fight for this and be victorious. Only if we can achieve that can we become sons and daughters who connect the spiritual world and the physical world.

We can be proud if we win the battle. You must fight for the restoration of God's family. 

In 1962, you must establish the standard you can be proud of. When in the fight, you must light upholding God and God's family at the center. Accordingly, you must be victorious.

When fighting, you must fight in the toughest position. You must start from the most arduous, position as a laborer or a king of beggars, climb from there to the top, and subjugate them all. You must carry this out in a joint operation with True Parents.

It is the time for True Parents and their children to work together in witnessing. We must be one family of Parents and children, armed and fighting side by side to create the heavenly family, tribe, and people, ultimately restoring the entire world. From now on, you must fight as families. (011-288, 1962/01/03) 

8. 1962 is a historic year that will not be repeated, Therefore, how do you think we should greet this year? We must greet the new year with the goal that even though no one else is taking responsibility, at least we, the believers of the Unification Church, are resolved to dissolve God's bitter sorrow and fulfill God's hope. 

This year, you should avoid Satan's accusations, lest you become an object of concern for God. Become people with no deficiencies front and back, left and right, above and below, inside and out.

Become the substantial beings of hope whom God has wanted to be proud of while carrying out the providence. Furthermore, this year, we, become the substantial beings who receive recognition in front of heaven and earth and all creation.

Go further and take pride that you can show something to this earth and even to Satan's world. I hope this is the year that you can truly practice this and demonstrate it. (011-279, 1962/01/03) 

Let us become victorious lords

9. The motto for 1963 is, “Let us become victorious lords.” The last three years were a period when we had to complete all the conditions to receive the inheritance as human beings.

However, from 1963, we are going beyond that stage, and we will restore all things of creation. Therefore, we will continue to use the same motto for several years. 

We need to establish holy grounds. To achieve that, we will have to buy land for the holy grounds, and once we have purchased it, we absolutely must not sell it.

When you choose a place to live, go live near a holy ground, and when you choose a place to be buried, be buried near a holy ground.

To establish a holy ground, we must collect blood money to buy it. In other words, we must offer the blood money for which Jesus, who came as humanity's Parent, was sold. 

That is the greatest victory, and that is our standard. (012-119, 1963/01/01)

10. We should be willing to suffer to, create our living histories. For this, for the next five years, beginning in 1963, we must work based on the motto “Let us become victorious lords.” So far, we have withstood difficulties well, but from now on, let us take the offensive.

Now, let us restore the creation. I am going to make you into living testimonies. The period of the mission on the church level is over, and we are beginning the struggle on the level of the people.

We have passed through the period when we focused on the family based on the efforts of individuals, and we are about to enter the period when we will focus on the level of the people based on the efforts of families. We must establish a new people centered on God. (013-012, 1963/09/12) 

11. If you are going to become victorious, before you hope to achieve victory for the whole, you need to first lay the foundation of victory as an individual. Victory is something that people want in the past, aspire to in the present, and will seek in the future.

God also has desired it, earth has desired it, and our ancestors have desired it. From the day of the Fall until today, humanity and God have been unable to attain victory in this world that God created for His ideal.

Instead, we have come to this day possessing only sorrow and misery. Until we completely remove all the negative circumstances in our lives, we cannot say that we have complete victory. (013-138, 1964/01/01)

12. What is the nature of the victory you must win? You should be victorious in your faith. You have to fight until you have gained complete victory and received official recognition from the whole, which includes both heaven and earth. Then, finally, you will become the victorious lord who has made faith the priority.

When it comes to public recognition, it is not enough to receive it only within the limits of the present reality. You must receive public recognition that transcends the past, present, and future. 

Everything from the individual to the world must be included. You should receive that kind of official recognition. As you are recognized for your faith, you should receive the same recognition for your hope and love. (013-144, 1964/01/01) 

13. I said that the motto for the four years in the latter part of the first seven-year course is, “Let us become victorious lords.” During this period, these four years, we need to recover the land for God.

The responsibility you have in these four years is to create a safe and free environment, where all will welcome you wherever you go, from the level of the family to the tribe, people, and nation. 

God has not had dominion over heaven and earth from such a victorious position. He has not had a victorious base on which He could have dominion over heaven and earth and humankind as the Lord of Glory. Nor could our countless ancestors who upheld the course of restoration become victorious lords. 

Two thousand years ago, Jesus, the only Son of God, came for the sake of completing that mission, but he o, could not become the victorious Lord on earth.

Accordingly, for 2,000 years to this day, Jesus and the Holy Spirit have been fighting to prepare the foundation for the victorious Lord. God is the final standard of this victorious lord.

Certainly, God must first achieve this level of victory. Until God reaches it, no one on earth will be able to reach it. The Lord of the Second Advent is the person who comes to establish the position of the victorious Lord of heaven and earth. (014-238, 1965/01/01)

14. Today, the Unification Church will have to attend the victorious True Parents, and it will have to form a group of victorious servants, victorious adopted children, and victorious children.

No matter what position you go from, you have to defeat Satan. Whether you are in the position of a servant or an adopted child or a direct son or daughter, you have to repel him. Needless to say, even though you go further to fight in the name of the True Parents, you have to drive Satan away. Only when you stand in the position of having defeated Satan can you have the title of victorious lord. 

Whatever position you may be in, whether a servant, an adopted child, a direct son or daughter, or a parent, you have to achieve the title of victorious lord. If you are victorious in your positions and if you can all, whatever position you are in, you will achieve the right to make decisions as a victorious lord. In that case, you should not be limited by your environment.

If you are a victorious lord on the level of the people, all the people should be able to welcome you. Then, you have to go beyond the dignity and authority of the level of the people and reach the level where you possess the highest national authority and can speak to the world. They

can claim victory on Earth. With the supreme authority of the nation, you will be able to give commands to the world God will finally secure His position on earth and begin to build the kingdom of heaven on earth in earnest. 

I have the historic destiny that I must pass through the positions of servant of servants, servant, adopted son, son, and reach the position of parent. As I am responsible for everything, I must put all this in order as the victorious substantial being who has indemnified horizontally the history that has been flowing down vertically. (014-241, 1965/01/01) 

15. If the first seven-year course can be compared to a mountain pass, it would be the tallest pass; if it were a gorge, it would be the deepest gorge. The blood, sweat, and tears that I shed are deposited in this gorge. I am not leaving this mountain pass or gorge just as they are.

I must level them into a plain. In making that plain, it is not enough to excavate the mountain and fill up the gorge I must. The traces of a hill. As a general rule, this seven-year course occurs only once in the history of the providence of restoration. There is no second chance.

Therefore, you must go over the final mountain pass with single-hearted devotion and become a victorious lord. If you cannot become a victorious lord, you will not be able to enter the kingdom of heaven. (017-220, 1967/01/01) 

Let us charge forward with all our might.

16. What kind of road must we take in 1968? I am saying that we should set out on the second seven-year course with the spirit, “Let us make an all-out offensive that leads the way to peace.”

Our marching orders are, “Let us charge forward with all our might.” This is the motto at the beginning of the new year, and this is the task that I am exhorting all Unificationists who are scattered throughout the nation and world to accomplish. (019-131, 1968/01/01) 

17. The motto for 1968 is “Let us charge forward with all our might.” Or we can say “advance.” In carrying out our activities under this motto, first, we must prepare our internal church resources; second, we must establish clear goals, and third, we must bring results as victors.

We must satisfy these three conditions and be victorious. Don't advance recklessly, but first, make all the necessary preparations. You need to know the enemy and discern the environment day and night; then, you can implement your strategy. (019-167, 1968/01/01) 

18. In 1968, as we embarked on the second seven-year course, we set the motto, “Let us charge forward with all our might.” We do not charge forward based on the individual, but rather, we move out to the world and charge forward based on the whole.

In the same way that the Unification Church is doing that, the time will come when Korea will do that. In the same way that Korea does that, Asia also is in a position where it must advance, and then the world must do so as well. 

However, neither the world nor Asia nor our country has a clear goal. If they just follow the trends of the current era without having a clear goal, they will be unable to overcome the challenges of the era. Then, not even individuals will be able to attune to the direction of the entire. 

Under these kinds. Of circumstances, the Unification Church is calling its members to charge forward with all their might centering on God's goal. If we cannot accomplish an all-out victory here, only the motto will remain. In other words, although we began with this motto to charge forward with all our might, we have a long way to go to accomplish that goal. 

At least, we have to reach the standard that the Unification Church is fully acknowledged nationally in the Republic of Korea. Until then, we must continue under these conditions. That is why I am also making.  

“Let us charge forward with all our is” is the motto for 1969. That is why I am commanding you to fortify your strategy and activities, centering on this motto. You must finish it by the end of the year. (021-325, 1969/01/01) 

The 1970s
In the 1970s, they focused on the national foundation that could impact the world, with external activities including Victory Over Communism and the Christian ecumenical movement.