All right, I heard your testimonies from the workshop so far. This Top Gun workshop has one more G added to it. Global Top Gun. GTG. You are the first graduates of GTG. There are many Top Gun graduates in Korea and Japan. Can I expect more from you?
I have always told you that you are different. History has lasted six thousand years according to the Bible. Human history would have been much longer than that.
God had a dream. God created heaven, earth, and all humankind with this great dream in mind. God planned to work with human beings to achieve this dream.
The first human ancestors, Adam and Eve, were supposed to obey God’s command and fulfill their responsibilities. Yet, what happened?
What happened to them?
They became greedy. God wanted to give them everything after they had fully grown, but they became greedy before that time.
What was the result of that?
They were kicked out of Eden. God had planned to become the True Parent through the first human ancestors. Human beings destroyed that dream. That is why human history has continued as the providence of restoration through indemnity.
When people do something wrong, they are punished. They have to pay a cost for their wrongdoings. This is the same. Six thousand years passed before the arrival of True Parents. God should have been the owner of all things and the owner of humankind, but on that day, he became a lonely God filled with pain, grief, and anguish. He wanted to be with humankind.
Therefore, God searched for individuals who could be central figures in history and had them pay indemnity for the providence. Those were the people of Israel, the chosen people. God gave them the designation, “chosen people,” and raised them in the fallen world.
The result was the only-begotten son of God. He was the only person whom God could dwell within, and he carried God’s lineage. Yet, it was impossible with just God’s only-begotten son.
For four thousand years, God had prepared the proper environment. However, though the people anticipated his return, waiting patiently, they did not recognize him when he came due to their disbelief. That was the Cain world era, the age of the Roman Empire. Israel did not even have a nation.
Through the Messiah, they would have established a great nation and found a way to work together with Rome. However, they did not understand God’s providence.
The tribe of Israel, the leaders of Judaism and the people close to Jesus did not fulfill their responsibilities. Mary, even more so, did not fulfill her role. Moreover, people who did not fulfill their responsibilities formed the root of today’s Christian culture. You have to know that.
What did Jesus say when he was crucified?
He said I will return.
What did he say he would accomplish when he returned? The marriage supper of the Lamb Judaism, which means, that when he returns he will become the True Parent. Yet, Christianity could not figure out this one point for two thousand years. Even to this day, Christians are still waiting for Jesus to come down from Heaven on clouds.
That is the problem. A spiritual being cannot come down and fulfill the providence of restoration through indemnity. Fallen people lost God’s lineage. They have to receive the blessing from True Parents and change their lineage.
Thereafter, they can establish blessed families and be called God’s children. While this wonderful providence is being accomplished, for the world it is still in the middle of the night.
In today’s world, many concerns of religious disputes, racism, and disputes over national borders still exist. Wealthy countries are becoming greedier. How, then, can we solve these problems? It’s not just that. God’s beautiful creation is being destroyed because human beings are not fulfilling their responsibilities.
Isn’t this a serious issue?
The ones that can solve all these internal and external concerns are the True Parents. If we look at the four major religions, we can see how desperately humanity has been waiting for the True Parents, whether they were aware of it or not. The four major religions have been working in their sphere to educate fallen people to purify their hearts and connect them to their original minds. However, they have no center. They are too far away from the mainstream, the truth.
They cannot help it, can they? None of them can become religions that explain God clearly. Christianity is the same, but we are different.
You should not forget how blessed you are. I do not know how all of you are feeling, how you are thinking, or how you’re living right now, but I heard that you received much from this workshop so far and have felt deep gratitude toward our Heavenly Parent and towards your parents.
Though you may not know this, all around the world the forty or fifty-year missionary history has set down deep roots. Please grow well and build the greatest Cheon Il Guk, where we proudly attend True Parents in the presence of the world and of God. Cheon Il Guk is to be a nation where all the world’s seven billion people attend Heavenly Parent together.
To achieve that, can you just stay still and watch the spot where you sit?
You must run. You must fly. Therefore, you must save your brothers and sisters in all parts of the world who do not know their True Parents and are miserably dying.
I have said this repeatedly: In this generation, everything will be short-lived if you go alone. You must go together. Even great countries that have large populations like America, China, or India cannot go alone. The same is true of all nations. You must communicate with those in the surrounding countries. You must unite.
Do you understand? Their True Parents are at the center.
Thus, there is a cure, internally and externally, that can solve all problems in every part of the world. I hope that you will stand in the center of the Il Guk mainstream and shout out in front of the world. I hope you will become proud first Global Top Gun graduates.