Father! We know that Korean history has been a continuous flow of sorrow. We know that you have been directing us along this path of the worst Golgotha from the beginning until now because that was the destiny of this nation.
Father! When we think that each time these people appealed to you and each time their eyes could have been opened their history has continued on as a history of defeat, we think that from the August 15th liberation until now, we have overcome difficult circumstances and we have entered a realm where we can give ourselves to you completely.
There is no new hope in front of these people, and if you had not been their source who established their beginning, you would not have been there for them, and these people would have met a tragic end.
Father, you have allowed this people to lose their nation, and have allowed them to lose righteousness, and furthermore, you have divided this people completely at the 38th parallel. But we have come to know that all this was your will in order for us to be able to find absolutely everything.
We know that behind these people is your providential guiding hand. Now once more, please allow us to straighten ourselves up and to raise before you an altar for our atonement, and after we have received forgiveness for all the sins of our ancestors, please allow us to appear before this age in new full attire.
Earnestly hoping that you will allow us to appear as people of courage in this age when the Promised Land is calling, we have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.
Through This History Of Sorrow
Father! We know that Korean history has been a continuous flow of sorrow.
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