True Mother’s Prayer
Father, we in humanity truly do not even deserve to call You Father, but You still have been patient with us, waiting throughout Your providence.
Prayer for Entreaty by Reverend Sun Myung Moon
Father, we in humanity truly do not even deserve to call You Father, but You still have been patient with us, waiting throughout Your providence.
After the passing of a historic and great period of transition, we welcome the month of March when we can enter a new dimension in which national sovereignty can be established that fulfills the ideal of a new cosmos.
Now, the time has come to declare the "Era of God's fatherland and kingdom of peace," which is the goal we have to accomplish this year.
I sincerely ask You to bless them and help them fulfill their responsibilities on earth by taking their lives into Your own hands from the beginning to the end.
We have come to know that you are looking for true fruit because you sowed true seeds, Father.
We have also considered the division of the north and the south while attending you.
As we look at this world of death which does not know the fact that as it passes, time is calling true people, we, who possess a realm of liberation
We have realized the fact that there cannot be a world of joy, ideals or peace without a beginning of an ideal that can move towards the garden of love.
Because of the fall of our human ancestors, this world of so many lamentations came about.
The men and the women are divided, and families are divided, and the tribes, the nations, and the world are divided.
Father! Please look with sorrow at the present situation of this nation and please remember it.
Beloved Father! Young boys and girls have gathered in this place.