3 min read

Please Let Us Become Your Children Who Go Over The World-Level Wall Of Sorrow

Today we feel that the history of your struggle has continued down through the age with humankind being unable to remove the yoke of this kind of environment.

Father! From the day when the struggle of Cain and Abel began, from that time when the foundation of death established itself until now, the world of death has not disappeared. Today we feel that the history of your struggle has continued down through the age with humankind being unable to remove the yoke of this kind of environment.

We must feel once again that if conditions of lamentation remain, those conditions must be straightened out, and if labor that we must do remains, we must put in order this wrong foundation, and settle the accounts of that work.

While continuing along this way of peaks, which has good as its basis, the history of sorrow has continued down until now, by collapsing and getting up again, and then crashing into sorrow again, as a history of collapsing over and over again and then getting up again and crashing again.

We have come to think that this wall of sorrow which appeared before the present age is the remaining world-level wall.

Oh, Father! Too remove this wall, an individual will not be sufficient.

And a few people who have a common will, will not be sufficient. To do that you called and gathered individuals, and established the family; you called and gathered families, and established the tribe; you called and gathered tribes, and formed the people; and you called and gathered peoples, and formed the nation. And even when the nation was established, you hoped to march forward farther towards one united world.

But we must think about the fact that it will not do unless there is an individual, a family, a tribe, and a people whocano settle the accounts of sin and take responsibility for your work according to the purpose you have willed.

Even though history became one of external sorrow due to people, how many sons and daughters do you have who are struggling for the sake of the world and who are taking responsibility for all the things on earth?

Please let this become a time in which we examine ourselves again through each of our hearts, and we have a new attitude in relation to you. Please let this become a time in which we are able to realize once again whether we have become people whom you can remember as having attitudes of compassion and conditions of compassion.

Oh, Father! We must come to know the fact that you are a Father who is waiting for the time when you can give us a blessing while responding to our requests even when you are in agony.

We have been thinking about how severe the suffering of your heart must have been and how severe the wounds must have been in the mind of our Father who has faced that sorrowful history for six thousand years while days like that continued on and on.

Who is there to remove the heartistic grief which is twisted and tangled like this?

It will not do unless it is a true son of filial piety; it will not do unless it is a true daughter of filial piety.

But we know that it cannot be done by a filial son who is centered on the family; it cannot be done by a filial son who is centered on the tribe; and it cannot be done by a filial son representing the people.

Please act to let us know the fact that you cannot reveal your heart which permeates and is hidden in your mind, unless to true sons of filial piety, who represent the world, and represent heaven and earth, and whom you can show off to Satan and boast about.

We earnestly hope that you will pardon the past in which we could not think about your being in a position of having such a terrible predicament.

We have humbly prayed all these things in the holy name of the True Parents.


Please Let Us Long For Heavenly Families
We are people who do not have parents of the original nature