6 min read

Declaration Of The Day Of The Victory Of The Number Ten Combining Two Halves

On this day, heaven and earth reverted, top and bottom reverted, left and right reverted, and front and back reverted, enabling us to reclaim goodness from the origin of darkness.

Beloved Heavenly Father, this day, May 5, of the fourth year of Cheon Il Guk, has been designated as the Day of the Victory of the Number Ten Combining Two Halves. On this day, heaven and earth reverted, top and bottom reverted, left and right reverted, and front and back reverted, enabling us to reclaim goodness from the origin of darkness.

We now welcome the victorious time of the original ideal where we can attend the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind. The Parents of Heaven and Earth are Heaven and Earth's sun of noon settlement, whose brilliant rays of victory are never extinguished.

The motto of the Unification Church this year is “Proclamation of God's Fatherland and the Era of the Peace Kingdom.”

Due to the Fall, the evil age of Satan's kingship filled with conflict came about instead of a kingdom of peace. The day of the final battle to wipe away this evil age and convert it to the age of the kingdom of peace centered on true love has arrived.

Beloved Heavenly Father, today, the Era before the Coming of Heaven has given way to the Era after the Coming of Heaven. Heaven and earth have become one centering on the number thirteen, and the authority of Your throne has become the center of the earth and heaven.

As of today, we welcome an era of change, a day of great victory enabling us to proclaim Your kingdom of love in the unified world and proclaim Your homeland as a place where the clan is expanded to the world through its relationship to Your true love, true life, and true lineage.

As everything is in pairs, above and below, have become one centering on love as above, middle, and below; left and right have become one centering on love as left, center, and right; front and back have become one centering on love as the front, middle, and back; and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind have become one centering on love.

As everything has become one, I proclaim the liberation of all this and the realm of complete freedom, which will be marked on May 13, forty months after the Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship centering on the number thirteen. Due to this proclamation, we entered the age when we can be connected directly to Your throne, Father, and the day when the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind, as the True Parent of the Cosmos, the True Parents of Heaven and Earth and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, will finally be able to find rest after obtaining the ideal of the family wherein You, as the incorporeal and substantial God, can settle centering on love as the God of personality.

As a result, we now welcome the time when we can observe Ahn Shi Il instead of the Sabbath. April and May have gathered, centering on the Day of True Parents.

Left and right hands have gathered to form ten and the day of the victory of the number ten, the hour and day of free and liberated heaven and earth where all the days from day one to day ten can be controlled as Your days upon the foundation of a peaceful world, and the year when hour, day, month, and year can be switched around.

The two seasons of spring and summer have become paired in April and May of the fourth year of Cheon Il Guk.

This joining corrected the world that has been following a clock whose hands turned in the wrong direction, now to follow the clock whose hands turn in the original direction.

Moreover, after the ideal settlement centering on the rules and principles of the created universe, we have obtained the greatest realm of victory that creates in this world the original standard through which You, Father, the God of the family ideal, can settle down. This allowed all pairs to be combined to bring about the day of the victory of the number ten.

Today, we declare the end of the Sabbath and designate this day as Ahn Shi Il, establishing Your completed settlement and the day of obtaining righteousness through attendance. April and May have become united on this day, the first Ahn Shi Il, which we greet in May, leaving April behind.

Now spring and summer continue, centering on You, and we have traveled from spring to summer. We then traveled 180 degrees through the autumn and on to the winter region. This gives us the original standard of four seasons: the heavenly spring, summer, autumn, and winter. The age has come when we can be received into Your embrace according to the entire principle of the cosmos, where days and years pass naturally.

By establishing the day of joint victory, the day of the victory of the number ten, after resolving conflict among all things, we can now welcome this day when all beings can be governed in pairs within the realm of Your ownership in Your peace kingdom, the homeland of love where You can settle down in peace and receive attendance.

Through this, we now witness the transition from the Era before the Coming of Heaven to the Era after the Coming of Heaven, the day when earth and heaven can be reversed and when the earth that was above can come down, and heaven that was at the bottom can go up.

We can now be completely liberated and released into the world of the Era after the Coming of Heaven. This is the day we can welcome Ahn Shi Il, where the family becomes united directly with Your throne and welcomes the liberated realm of righteousness through attendance and settlement centering on the God of personality and the loving True Parent of the Cosmos, the True Parents of Heaven and Earth, and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind. The throne of all people on earth can be united from the smallest place to the largest.

This is the day for You that all the other days could remember and commemorate, and it is the day in which all other days can praise Your total authority from the levels of individual, family, tribe, nation, world, and cosmos.

This day was established by designating the original numbers that can protect the victory of liberation a thousandfold, the victory where the original standard can come about amid the world that expands through ascending to the tenfold level centering on the basic numbers of one through eight, and where the smaller numbers can become a bigger plus by being absorbed into the higher ones.

Everything that was divided now stands on the foundation of Hab Seung Shib Seung Il, together with True Parents' four direct children in the spirit world, together with the families of four great saints, together with all blessed families, together with twelve brothers and 120 brothers, and together with the 120 clans that Jesus had wished for.

By this, all creation, in the presence of Heaven and under the name of True Parents, now welcomes Your homeland and peace kingdom, and everything exists inside Your realm of dominion on the occasion of this day of the victory of the number ten.

In the midst of all this, yesterday was the forty-fourth anniversary of True Parents' holy marriage, while April 19 was the forty-fifth True Parents' Day.

On this occasion, we tie everything together and offer You this day when everything is brought to a conclusion centering on April and May and when all things that were divided are gathered to form one body so You can become the Owner of every day and hour and all the years in both heaven and earth, together with the beginning of the unified cosmos, centering on Your victorious number ten, the returning number.

In the unity of all blessed families and of the direct children both in heaven and on earth, we have attained this victorious day focusing on the returning number that's at the center of a thousand and ten thousand numbers.

Through this, we go beyond the end of all providence and all restoration through indemnity centering on the individual, family, and tribe.

We wish for this world to harbor the age of the peaceful kingdom eternally while attending You and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind in the environment of the family, nation, and cosmos where we can welcome and stay in the realm of the Blessing and everlasting liberation.

With this, we sincerely and sincerely report, offering all this on this Ssang Hap Shib Seung Il (Day of the Victory of the Number Ten that Joins Two Fives) in the name of True Parents. Aju! Aju! Aju!

Please Let Us Go The Path Of Living For Others
If our spirit becomes exhausted, that is not something we can resolve on our own.