Father! Concerned about our present unworthiness, we must of course become people who can weep, but we earnestly hope and desire that you will guide us to become sons and daughters who can weep, concerned about the fruits which were Jesus' will. At the same time that we must become people who weep, concerned about the incompleteness of ourselves, please allow us to become people who can repent and shed tears having seen the enticements of Satan who shouts and vilifies Jesus, and having seen that the world has become evil and has not fulfilled God's Will.
While always feeling the gaze of God upon him during his life, to complete the course of restoration through indemnity, Jesus offered himself as the sacrificial offering for restoration until the very moment he died. In that same way, no matter on what day or at what time Jesus comes to us, please do not allow us to forget his gaze which is upon us, or his footsteps as he approaches us. Please let us realize that up until now there have been uncountable times when we have ignored Jesus' gaze and his footsteps as he approached us.
Father! Please allow us to become people who repent about the number of tears we have shed before heaven, and about how little we have comforted the heart of Jesus who came to humankind unchangingly even though we betrayed him not once but even two or three times.
Oh, Father! Since your lonely sons and daughters know that the time of world-level judgment is not far off, and the garden of the universal Golgotha is right before our eyes, please guide us not to walk a path of faiththath is centered on ourselves.
Since our lives are not our own, and the lives we live in our daily lives are not our own, and our hopes and desires are not our own, please guide us not to live our daily life for our selves, and beloved Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us not to have our abilities, requests, and desires, all these things for ourselves.
Even if we go the way of crucifixion in place of Jesus, we earnestly hope and desire, loving Father, that you will guide us to become sons and daughters who finally come to know the unchanging faith of Jesus; who can repent, shedding tears in Jesus' presence before the day of the judgment of Golgotha comes, just as Peter lamented in his heart and shed tears as a fellow believer in God when he saw Jesus carrying the cross; and who can lay bare what we have done wrong, and weep before you, having taken universal repentance upon ourselves.
Father! Since we will walk in the footsteps of Jesus in his place, Father, please give us the mission of being able to save the pitiful people of this land, and please allow us to walk the remaining way of Golgotha.
And as we defeat Satan everywhere in the world and realize the foundation of the glory of victory, we earnestly hope and desire that you will lead us to be able to attend the resurrected Jesus in our lifetimes.
We have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
We Will Experience The Heart Of Jesus And Go The Way Of Golgotha
Father! Concerned about our own present unworthiness, we must of course become people who can weep
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