Mother Speaks to Blessed Children

You must become the people whom God trusts most and loves most.

Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon
East Garden, Tarry town, New York

WHO are you and what are you? Blessed children? [Yes.] Well, what do blessed children look like? You must be different from the children out in the world, right?

[Yes.] You are different, right? [Yes.] What is the difference? Are you different in appearance, or your heart and mind? [Mind.] Your roots are different.

Today is Shin Won Nim’s birthday, but I invited blessed children through the twelfth grade here. Do you know why?

Your significance is not only for the Unification Church but also for all humanity.

You must be the hope for all of them. You must become the people whom God trusts most and loves most. Therefore, you must love True Parents more than anyone else. All of your actions and even your thoughts must be rooted in True Parents’ thoughts and actions.

Some of you have a brother or sister around twenty years old.

Do you know at what age Adam and Eve fell?

They were around fourteen, fifteen, or sixteen years old. Once you are over twenty, you are considered an adult. Your present age is the most precious and important in your life. If you truly are united with True Parents and God, you will get the most out of this period. However, if you are not united with True Parents and God, Satan will invade you and your life.

Focus on true parents’ family

Last year True Parents declared “True Parents and the Completed Testament Age.”

You may not fully understand how precious and how extraordinary this proclamation is. You must understand why God could not interfere, even if He knew that Adam and Eve were falling.

You know that from learning the Divine Principle, right?

You understand the purpose of God’s creation, don’t you? You are in a critical position and can fulfill the purpose of God’s creation. You are the ones who are in the position, working along with True Parents and God to fulfill the purpose of God’s creation.

No matter what you are doing-whether you are studying, whether you are traveling, or wherever you may be your senses, your antennae must be focused on True Parents and True Parents’ family. As long as you do that, all the foundations and victories True Parents win will be passed on to you. You will inherit them.

Though you may not yet fully understand, True Parents’ life up to this point has been so difficult. We have gone through so many indemnity courses and suffered persecution. As you grow, you will understand this better.

The fact that we proclaimed True Parents and the Completed Testament Age means that the Old Testament Age and the New Testament Age are completed. We have gone beyond those levels. You might have heard from your parents that this is a different time.

Beginning in 1993, many phenomena have taken place in major dispensation countries like Korea, America, and Japan. Many things are happening that are different from the past.

Last year I spoke in forty nations around the world under the banner of the Women’s Federation for World Peace. When I went to Africa, T found missionaries and members who had been waiting for twenty years to meet True Parents in person.

They had no chance to see us before. When I saw all those bright young members with glowing eyes and fresh, energetic spirits, my heart was touched. I could feel their heart, without even speaking with them. That is the world of heart I felt in Africa.

True Parents have shed their sweat blood and tears in this country for the last twenty years, for the sake of America and the world. If we had offered Africa even one-tenth of what we offered for this country over the last twenty years, the results would have been much greater. I felt truly sorry on behalf of all those African brothers and sisters.

Our members in America, particularly American members, are greatly indebted to those in less fortunate countries. In providential history, the people and nations who were chosen by God must be willing to sacrifice themselves or their nation for the sake of all humanity. True Parents have lived such an exemplary life. Because of this absolute standard, Satan does not have anything to do with what True Parents are saying and doing at this point.

Grow in Love

You are still young and in the process of growing up. Once you grow up, get blessed, and start having children, you will understand better what I am saying.

Love flows from parents to children. The experiences of love for the first, second, third, third, and fourth children are different because love travels downward.

If you are the first child in your family, you received full love from your parents when you were alone. When the next child is born, your parents love him or her, but that should not make you feel bad. You must join your parents in loving your younger brothers and sisters. That is the way love works.

True Parents have always been teaching you to live for others. However, sometimes people forget to practice this among their immediate family members.

If the elder sister loves her younger brothers and sisters just as her parents do, the younger children will follow their elder sister just as they follow their parents, won’t they?

Your parents did not have an easy life. They have endured hardship and received much persecution. They have been taught many things by True Parents throughout the years, but they have not completely followed True Parents’ lifestyle. If your parents truly had followed in our footsteps exactly the way we expected them to, then the situation in America and this world would be different by now.

The True Love Movement Bringing Salvation to Asia and the World
I would like to express my sincere congratulations to the Women’s Federation for Peace in Asia for having grown

Think about drops of water on a steep mountain. They flow together and form a pool, a stream, or a river, and eventually reach the ocean. Your parents, who are the first generation, are like the drops of water on a high mountain. If they truly had resembled True Parents from the beginning, each of them, as a perfect couple and family, would have helped to establish a stream, and eventually a river and an ocean to save the whole of humanity, together with True Parents.

One drop of water or one small stream may not have great power, but once all these waterways join together and establish a big ocean, nothing can stop its power. Each of you has that power and destiny within yourself.

Once you are united with True Parents, your life is wide open. You will not have to deal with persecution because you will stand on the victorious foundation which True Parents have laid.

Our time has come

When Father left for Korea, he gave instructions to me and to all the adult True Children, from Hyo Jin Nim down to Kwon Jin Nim, to participate in proclaiming True Parents and the Completed Testament Age at one hundred selected major universities in this country.

During the 1960s, young people were seeking love and ideals on their own. They ended up with drug and alcohol abuse, free sex, and all types of social problems.

From the beginning of the 1970s, many of those thoughtful young people started seeking something else.

Because of the Vietnam War and the Persian Gulf War, they started thinking about more serious things. Young people in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s tried everything they could think of.

Now in the 1990s, we hear of the women’s era. Not only True Parents, but even the United Nations declared the year of the woman. The world was following the lead of True Parents. At the same time, the young people in the world, particularly young women, started thinking more reasonably.

My conclusion is that our time has come. What is our destiny at this point?

First, the mother and children must be united, restore the father, and unite the entire family with True Parents. Through such a way, all five billion people in the world will have hope of being restored.

For this reason, the True Children and are I going around the country and giving this proclamation at one hundred campuses. Even today, one of the True Children is speaking at a university in Chicago. I have spoken at nine major universities, and tomorrow I will speak at Yale University.

This year we are giving hope and light to aimless, hopeless young people on campuses all over this country. We have to reach every single person on the campus who is longing for true, parental love. We have to reach them and give them this proclamation until no one in this country can say, “I did not hear about it.”

True Children are going all around the country giving this proclamation. It is a very difficult job. Your first step is to be united with True Children and give them as much support, love, and prayer as you can. You must create an atmosphere around you so that you can teach your friends.

Be healthy, strong seeds

Spring is coming around the corner. Spring this year, 1994, is special; as soon as you sow a seed, you will see the results. This is a different time. Try it, and you will see the difference, in your neighborhood or wherever you may be. Your blessed children are true seeds right now.

However, if you become a stale, weak seed that cannot germinate and produce fruit, you may be replaced by healthier, stronger seeds from outside and they will grow the result.

What are you going to do if that happens?

To keep your seed intact and strong, you must be able to get rid of all bacteria or whatever will destroy your seed.

Your parents did not fulfill their whole responsibility of uniting with True Parents and expediting God’s providence, but you must be different. Throughout history, the second stage is always important. The second generation must be stronger than the first. Only then can the third stage or third generation become perfect.

Only then will there be hope for the future.

It is critical for you to create a position for yourself close to True Parents. You are the ones who have to create that. Only if you secure such a position for yourself will be the spirit world and True Parents be able to lead you directly.

Before the fall of man, do you think Adam and Eve communicated with God?

They did. They had a communication channel open to God. You are in the same position as them. However, no one else will be able to help you or set you there; you have to create internal and external links so that you can directly communicate with True Parents and God.

If you want to show the big difference between the second generation of the Unification Church and the people outside, your elder brothers and sisters must be able to give enough love and care to your younger brothers and sisters so that they can do the same for those younger than them. That is how we can create total unity among the second generation. That will make the difference between the Unification Church's second generation and the people outside.

If you practice this principle, whenever I come to America, I may invite you to an occasion like this one today and relate with you directly like this. I am sorry that this room is not big enough to set up tables and chairs for each one of you, but we have a buffet breakfast here. Are you happy? [Yes.] In the future, even happier and greater things await you.

In conclusion, you are truly lucky boys and girls. You can never imagine how much True Parents love you. We always want to see your faces in person. You are growing beautifully.

Pray that Father and I will live with you for another hundred years so that we can watch you grow beautifully.

The Ideal Home and World Peace
True world peace has never been accomplished on this earth, and yet this has been the one constant dream of all humanity throughout history.
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